Should you catch more than one of the same Pokemon?

Should I keep multiple of the same Pokemon?

The first and simplest reason to “catch ’em all” is that you need multiples in order to evolve a Pokemon into its more powerful form. … The game-focused blog Kotaku points out that having a bunch of low level Pokemon of the same variety can also help you level up faster as a trainer.

Should you catch duplicate Pokemon?

While catching duplicates is helpful, you should get rid of them afterwards in order to save precious storage space. Simply open your collection, tap a Pokémon you want to get rid of and select Transfer — you’ll be rewarded with some sweet Pokémon-specific candy that you can use towards evolving that character.

What happens if you catch two of the same Pokemon?

And capturing the same Pokémon can also help you evolve the Pokémon that are not yet evolved and make your current Pokémon stronger. … Once you get enough candies and stardust for each Pokémon, you can evolve them to their next form — or just simply power them up until they’re stronger.

Is it worth keeping low CP pokemon?

If it is low, it isn’t worth keeping, unless it’s the only one you have for that species. If it is high, I recommend keeping it, as it has a high potential.

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Can two pokemon evolve at once?

Yes, they will both evolve.

Do you lose candy if you transfer all Pokemon?

If you get rid of all of the Pokemon in that chain you will keep the candies but be unable to see them until you catch another of that chain. Yes, you will retain all candies from this family.

Can two Pokemon merge?

Yes. In Pokémon GO, you can choose what Pokémon HOME account you’ll transfer Pokémon to by linking to a Nintendo Account that is also linked to the desired Pokémon HOME account.

Can I get back a Pokemon I accidentally transferred?

You’ll receive Candy in exchange for transferring a Pokémon, but be careful: you can’t get Pokémon back after you’ve transferred them.

Has someone caught all the Pokemon?

Nick Johnson traveled the world to catch every Pokémon Go character, and he has finally done it. Pack it up everyone, someone has caught them all.

Has anyone caught all the Pokemon in Pokémon Go 2020?

Nick Johnson is the first person to announce he has collected every Pokémon in the popular mobile game Pokémon Go. That is, all 142 virtual monsters that users have confirmed seeing in the wild of North America.

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