Quick Answer: What happens if you complete the Pokedex in Pokémon Y?

Can you complete the National Pokedex in XY?

Yes, back when X & Y were first introduced, you couldn’t complete it without migration. However, thanks to the glory that is Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire, you have the chance of doing so. However, you may need to have all four games in your possession if you want to complete at least one of the games’ National Dex.

What does Professor Oak give you when you complete the Pokedex?

After speaking with Professor Oak, the player can go to Celadon City to obtain a diploma. After catching all 150 Pokemon, the Game Designer on the third floor of Celadon Mansion will give you the diploma. The top says “Diploma” and shows the name the player gave his character.

Can you breed a Zacian?

Officially, both Pokemon are genderless, so when it comes to Pokemon breeding, it’s impossible to obtain them in egg form. However, for those curious, legends state that Zacian and Zamazenta are rivals and siblings, even though both are technically genderless.

Does Esper evolve?

Can you complete the National Dex with just Gen 6 games?

So, assuming the lists are accurate (and they appear to be); Yes, the pokédex is complete-able owning only Gen6 games.

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Do you need mythical Pokemon to complete the Pokedex?

there are 890 Pokemon that must be collected, including “mythical” Pokemon that are limited to events only. … These Pokemon are usually excluded from the Pokedex for purposes of completing a National Pokedex in previous games, but not a Living Dex.

Can you get all 151 Pokemon in yellow?

Although Pokémon has a beginning and and end like all RPGs, there is a secondary challenge that you can continue even after you finish the game: catch all Pokémon. There are a total of 151 Pokémon in the game — but you won’t be able to get all of them without trading with other Pokémon players.

Who is Professor Oak’s son?

Blue Oak (Forever)

Blue Oak オーキド・グリーン Green Okido
Relatives Professor Oak (grandfather) Gary Oak (son) Hugo Oak (son)
Trainer class Pokémon Trainer Champion
Generation I

Can Ditto breed with Zacian?

You will not be able to breed any Pokémon in the Undiscovered Egg Group, even using a Ditto. So don’t worry about trying to get an egg for Zacian, Zamazenta, or any of the other Pokémon listed there.

Is Mew a Ditto?

Mew and Ditto are both genderless. … Mew and Ditto are the only Pokemon who can naturally learn “Transform”. Technically, both can learn any move. Mew holds all of the DNA of all known Pokemon, while Ditto can essentially breed with every single Pokemon, aside from select legendaries.

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