Quick Answer: What does bold nature mean in Pokemon?

What is bold nature in Pokemon?

List of Natures

# Nature Increased stat
4 Naughty Attack
5 Bold Defense
6 Docile
7 Relaxed Defense

Is Bold a good Pokemon nature?

This nature raises Defense but lowers Attack. Bold is great for Pokemon that have high Defense but don’t need to use strong attacks. Take, for instance, Toxapex. This Pokemon really doesn’t need to attack: it can Toxic most of its opponents and Recover back all the damage it takes.

What does Pokemon nature mean?

Natures are a mechanic that influences how a Pokémon’s stats grow. A Pokémon’s Nature is determined when it is generated by the game: when it is obtained as an Egg, when it is encountered in the wild, or when it is given to the player by a non-player character.

What is the best nature for a Pokemon?

As alluded to, if you’re more inclined to give your physical attacker a jolt of Speed, a Jolly nature (+Speed, -Sp. Atk) is the way to go. Giving the right Pokemon the Jolly nature can give it a little Speed boost that could ensure you out-Speed most other Pokemon.

What does hasty nature do?

For example – a Pokemon of Hasty nature will like Sweet berries (Speed is raised) and dislike Sour berries (Defense lowered).

Increased & Decreased Stats for each Nature.

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Nature Increases Decreases
Gentle Sp. Def Defense
Adament Attack Sp. Atk
Hasty Speed Defense
Impish Defense Sp. Atk

Does nature change with evolution?

Evolution describes changes to the inherited traits of organisms across generations. Evolutionary change is not directed towards a goal, nor is it solely dependent on natural selection to shape its path. Ecology, as with any biological discipline, is rooted in evolutionary concepts and best understood in its terms.

Is quirky nature good?

1 Answer. If by ‘good’ you mean even remotely optimal, Quirky is a bad nature for Mismagius. Natures like this that are completely neutral and don’t boost any stats have almost no use in competitive play.

What does gentle nature mean?

adj. 1 having a mild or kindly nature or character. 2 soft or temperate; mild; moderate.

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