Quick Answer: Is Blissey good in Pokemon go?

Is Blissey good for PvP Pokemon go?

With an insanely high bulk and coverage moves against its only weakness, Blissey was set to become arguably the best Pokemon for PvP in almost every league, until moves got reworked for PvP. … With a win ratio of roughly 10% in this league, Blissey won’t be seeing much use here. It does get a win off Spiritomb though.

Is Blissey rare in Pokemon go?

Blissey is incredibly rare: I’ve never seen a single Chansey in my entire time with the game, and even once you get one you’ll need 50 candies to evolve it into a Blissey.

Is Chansey or Blissey better?

If your team is fast paced, Chansey is a better choice, because it takes hits better in short term, while if your team is more slow and stallish, Blissey is better, as she will be staying a lot in, and thus gaining a lot of Lefties healing, which means that she is going to take hits better in long term.

Is Blissey good Pokemon go Reddit?

Blissey and chansey have (intentionally) very bad fast moves, making them deal very little damage and charging moves slowly. It’s best to always keep at least one of each species, just in case they receive some change but slots are limited so don’t feel too bad if you need to transfer.

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What kills Blissey?

Here are the top 7 Pokémons that can win against Blissey, with their best moveset to do so :

  • Machamp (Counter + Dynamic Punch). …
  • Tyranitar (Bite + Stone Edge). …
  • Dragonite (Dragon Tail + Outrage). …
  • Heracross (Counter + Close Combat). …
  • Flareon (Fire Spin + Overheat). …
  • Exeggutor (Confusion + Solar Beam).

Is Chansey rare Pokemon go?

Chansey: Chansey isn’t quite as over-powered as it was in the early days of Pokemon Go, but it’s a good little Pokemon – albeit rare. It can be found in a lot of places but is a very uncommon spawn. Keep an eye out for it on Route 5 & 6, Routes 8-18, Route 21 & 23 plus Diglett’s Cave, Mt. Moon.

How much HP does a Level 100 Blissey have?

Blissey’s HP maxes out at 714, when it’s level 100 and has 31 HP IVs and 252 HP EVs.

Why are people using Blissey over chansey?

In Pokemon Showdown, chansey is and will always be hire than Blissey. The stats with the eviolite are higher because they’re multiplied by 1.5. Making blissey able to eat up non super effective hits like an egg. And any special attack does not penetrate this mon.

What is the best Pokemon to fight Blissey?

The best Pokemon Go Blissey counters are Shadow Machamp, Lucario, Shadow Hariyama, Conkeldurr, Shadow Alakazam & Shadow Mewtwo.

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