Question: What happens when a Pokémon is asleep?

Asleep. If a Pokémon is Asleep, it cannot attack or retreat by itself. It must also be turned sideways (usually counterclockwise). After each turn, if a player’s Pokémon is Asleep, the player must flip a coin: if heads, the Asleep Pokémon “wakes up” and is no longer affected by the Special Condition.

What happens if your Pokémon is asleep?

When a Pokemon is asleep, indicate it with with a token or by turning the card to the left. While a Pokemon is asleep, they cannot attack or retreat (unless a Trainer card or another Pokemon’s ability retreats them). After your turn, flip a coin. If heads, your Pokemon wakes up.

Can you evolve a Pokémon that is asleep?

You may evolve a Basic Pokémon to a Stage 1 Pokémon or a Stage 1 Pokémon to a Stage 2 Pokémon. … Any effects of attacks or Special Conditions affecting the Pokémon—such as Asleep, Confused, or Poisoned—end when it evolves. A Pokémon cannot use the attacks or Abilities of its previous Evolution unless a card says so.

Can a Pokémon be burned and asleep?

An Active Pokémon may only have Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed at once, and Burned and Poisoned can be used concurrently.

Can you sleep a paralyzed Pokemon?

If a Pokemon is Paralyzed, they cannot be Burned as well. However, if a Pokemon knows Rest, the Status Condition will be “healed” and replaced with Sleep.

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How much is a damage counter in Pokemon?

Damage on a Pokémon is represented by damage counters. Each counter represents 10 damage. Damage is permanent unless it is removed by an effect or modifier or that Pokémon leaves play.

Can you retreat a Pokémon with no energy?

You can attach any type of energy you want to the retreating Pokémon. If there are no * symbols, then that Pokémon doesn’t need any energy in order to retreat; it can retreat anytime for free!

What Is a Stage 2 Pokémon?

A Stage 2 Pokémon is a type of evolution card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. … A Stage 2 Pokémon can be placed in play if the corresponding Stage 1 Pokémon is Active or Benched. Certain effects can circumvent this, such as the Pokémon Breeder Trainer card, that allows a Basic Pokémon to evolve into a Stage 2 Pokémon.

Is there a hand limit in Pokémon?

There is no hand limit.

Does guts work with sleep?

Guts raises the bearer’s Attack by 50% when inflicted by a major status ailment (poison, burn, paralysis, freeze or sleep). … All other effects of the status condition remain, e.g. losing HP each turn (poison, burn), speed drop (paralysis) or being unable to attack (paralysis, freeze, sleep).

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