Question: How do you use commands in Pokemon planet?

How do you use commands in Pokemon planet?

Is Pokemon Planet illegal?

Any use of Pokemon Planet other than for private, non-commercial use is prohibited. You acknowledge you will not use Pokemon Planet for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms.

What is the trade Command in Pokemon planet?

It turns out, you can trade with other players in Pokemon Planet. All you need to do is use the /trade command in the chatbox with another player. Now both characters are able to put their items or Pokemon into a trading screen to swap with each other.

Is poke planet legit?

This site is a scam.

Can you fast travel in Pokemon planet?

We don’t have the outside battle effect to use Fly, but we have the next best thing: Ferries! For a small fee, you can fast travel through different parts of every region ingame. You need specific badges/requirements to unlock most travel points. … Once you get the Volcano Badge, you can now use the Ferry Service!

How do you use a pickaxe in Pokemon planet?

-To begin your Mining, go to F1 Mt. Moon and meet the Mining Guru to purchase an Old Pickaxe for 5000$. With this pickaxe you can start mining the red gem deposits scattered throughout the area. -To mine, press the space bar and wait until your character finishes the job.

See also  Why did my Pokemon eggs disappeared?

Which Pokemon can use cut?

The 10 Best Pokemon To Learn Cut

  • 10 Farfetch’d.
  • 9 Treeko.
  • 8 Rattata.
  • 7 Bidoof.
  • 6 Scyther.
  • 5 Kingler.
  • 4 Greninja.
  • 3 Crobat.

Can you fly in Pokemon planet?

Fly has no effect outside of battle. You cannot use it to traverse the map. To get around faster, use the Ferry Stations.

What is the fastest way to get money in Pokemon planet?

You get money from selling gemstones, defeating wild pokemon, defeating other trainer’s pokemon, or selling things in the global marketplace. Money is important for buying things from the vendor or the global marketplace. You can also gamble your money away in the casino located in celedon city.

How do you get waterfall in Pokemon planet?

You do NOT need to teach HMs in your inventory to a pokemon in order to use them.

Available HMs.

HM Effect Obtained From
Waterfall Traverse waterfall obstacles Casino Shop in Celadon City (5000 tokens)
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