Is take down a good move Pokémon Reddit?

Is take down a good move Pokemon go?

Take Down is a Normal type fast move that deals 8 damage and generates 10 energy in Pokemon GO.

Take Down stats in Pokémon GO.

Name Take Down
Power 8
Energy +10
PvP Power 5
PvP Energy +8

Is take down a good move Pokemon Reddit?

Take down as it stands is not a very good move, as with many moves that take 3 or more turns. The damage is mediocre, with a DPT edging just above the 1.5 DPT of Mudshot, Psycho Cut, and Thunder Shock but without the high energy gain.

Is take down better than quick attack?

In terms of power, Take Down is Eevee’s second strongest attack. However, there are two main issues with it that keep it from ranking higher than Eevee’s other moves. Out of all Eevee’s level-up moves, Take Down is the only one with an Accuracy below 100, meaning it always has the potential to miss.

Is constrict a good move?

Constrict is one of the lowest-damage moves in the entire franchise, resting with a comfortable 10 base power. This is even less than moves like Bind or Wrap, which have at least 15 base power.

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What Pokemon can learn take down?

Learnt by level up

  • Bulbasaur. #001 / Grass · Poison. Level 21.
  • Ivysaur. #002 / Grass · Poison. Level 25.
  • Venusaur. #003 / Grass · Poison. Level 25.
  • Growlithe. #058 / Fire. Level 36.
  • Arcanine. #059 / Fire. Level 1.
  • Ponyta. #077 / Fire. Level 41.
  • Ponyta. Galarian Ponyta. #077 / Psychic. Level 41.
  • Rapidash. #078 / Fire. Level 43.

How much damage does bite do?

Bite (Japanese: かみつく Bite) is a damage-dealing Dark-type move introduced in Generation I.

Bite (move)

Type Dark
PP 25 (max. 40)
Power 60
Accuracy 100%
Priority {{{priority}}}

Is Double Edge a good move?

Double-Edge is powerful, accurate, and can be used once per turn. Due to Mega Kick’s poor Accuracy and low PP, Double-Edge is actually a more effective way of dishing out Normal damage, however it has one major drawback: a considerable recoil.

Is quick attack worth keeping?

Quick Attack is a useful move at the right moment. It’s weak, but it has high priority. If you need to make sure your low HP opponent passes away as quickly as possible, before it can do anything to you, use Quick Attack. It’s a common enough move and isn’t too much of a threat.

Is Slash good for Charizard?

Since Charizard had to wait until Pokemon Yellow to learn the HM Fly, it is best to give it a third attacking option in the form of Slash. This will help it take out opponents that may resist a Fire-type or Ground-type attack. Slash deals decent damage and has an incredible critical hit ratio.

Do Z moves always go first?

Z-Moves based on status moves are enhanced versions of the original moves, having a Z- prefixed to the start of the status move’s name. While they have the effects of the original status move, the user also receives a Z-Power effect (Japanese: Zパワーこうか Z-Power effect), which is executed before the move itself.

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Is smell sleuth a good move?

Odor Sleuth (Japanese: かぎわける Find Scent) is a non-damaging Normal-type move introduced in Generation III.

Odor Sleuth (move)

Type Normal
Category Status
PP 40 (max. 64)
Accuracy —%
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