How often can you get a research task from a PokeStop?

Can you get the same field research twice?

PokeStops give out the same field research task per day to all players and you can’t complete the exact same quest twice.

How long do research tasks stay at PokeStops?

Each Pokestop stores only one task for a 24 hour period. The task switches at midnight every day so you can check your local ones again the next day. It’s important to note that you can delete Field Research Tasks to make sure you always have room to search for the Pokemon Go Spinda quest.

Can you still get legendary Pokemon from field research?

While the legendary Pokemon that came from Field Research rewards weren’t nearly as powerful as the ones players could get from raids, it was better than not being able to catch the Pokemon at all. Unfortunately, Niantic has seemingly moved away from having legendary Pokemon in the Field Research breakthrough boxes.

How do you get Aerodactyl in 2021?

Aerodactyl can be defeated by solo Trainers. However, to avoid having to relobby, be sure that you’ve chosen the best counters with their most useful moves unlocked. Using the Circle Lock Technique to guarantee Great or Excellent throws, along with Golden Razz Berries, is the best way to catch Aerodactyl.

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Does field research have to be consecutive days?

Field Research Progress

The first time that you complete a Field Research Task each day, you’ll earn a stamp that you can see above the tasks. Unlike the “Streaks” of catching Pokemon and spinning PokeStops, you don’t need to do it for seven days straight without fail.

Do field research stamps carry over?

If you weren’t able to achieve a Research Breakthrough last month, any progress you made will carry over, which will reduce the number of stamps you need to earn this month. Unlike Special Research, which is assigned by Professor Willow, Field Research tasks are typically distributed at PokeStops and Gyms.

How often can you get field research?

Trainer can have up to three Field Research tasks at a time, but they can be also cancelled at any time, so other tasks can be gathered (trainer can obtain the deleted one from the same PokéStop during the same day). There is no limit to the number of research tasks that can be completed each day.

Where can I catch an Aerodactyl?

This doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to catch it in the wild, it just means that your chances of catching one are greatly reduced. Despite all of that, you’ll be able to catch an Aerodactyl in the areas that are classified in the game as farmland and nature preserved locations. Your best bet is farmland.

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