How long do Pokestop nominations take?

How long does it take for a Pokestop to be approved?

Your submission is newly accepted and you have to wait a bit until it is getting synced to Pokemon Go (up to 34 hours) A syncing error is blocking newly submitted POIs to get into the games, so it can take a little longer than 34 hours until they will appear in ING/PGO.

How do I get Pokestop approved?

How to submit a PokéStop nomination in Pokémon Go

  1. You’ll find Player Nominations in the Settings for Pokémon Go.
  2. Place the orange pin on the location of your nomination.
  3. Avoid having people in your photograph.
  4. Try to include as much of the surrounding area as possible.
  5. Aim to write a unique description.

Can a Pokestop become a gym?

In the past, the criterion for a pokestop to become a gym was either to be the oldest pokestop or to be the most popular pokestop. … The “Monumento da Divina Misericórdia” wayspot, which is located at coordinates <-19.519409, -42.61982>, became a gym, when there were even better candidates in cell S14.

What makes a high quality PokeStop?

What makes a high-quality PokéStop nomination? To make the most of each nomination, be sure to submit high-quality nominations that have a good chance of being eligible. These categories are considered an eligible candidate for a PokéStop: A location with a cool story, a place in history or educational value.

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Can I make my house a Pokestop?

Unfortunately, nominations for PokéStops cannot be accepted for any private residences, so it is not possible to have a PokéStop at your home.

Can you request a Pokestop without being level 40?

The program is now open worldwide, but to qualify, you have to be a max level 40 Pokémon GO players to even get in the door.

How do you turn a Pokestop into a 2020 gym?

To turn a Pokestop into a Gym, you need to submit other things in the same L14 S2 cell. The 2nd, 6th and 20th new Wayspots will create a Gym. Either an existing Pokestop will convert to a Gym, or the new Wayspot will become the Gym.

How much does it cost to buy a Pokestop?

$30 per month gets you one Pokéstop, with the ability to change its image/description/promotion once per month. $60 per month gets you a gym, with the ability to schedule one hour of raiding per month.

How many Pokestops make a gym?

Here is a summary. Only one PokeStop or one Gym in a level 17 cell. There can be multiple Ingress portal in a L17 cell, but only one Point of Interest in Pokemon GO. Gyms are decided in level 14 cells.

What makes a Pokestop a gym?

In the past, the criterion for a pokestop to become a gym was either to be the oldest pokestop or to be the most popular pokestop. … The biggest problem this can cause is that new gyms may become less and less accessible to a wider audience.

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