How do you get the weather boost in Pokémon?

What Pokémon has weather boost?

Pokemon GO Weather Boosts Explained

Weather: Pokemon Type:
Rainy Water Electric Bug
Snow Ice Steal
Sunny Grass Fire Ground
Windy Flying Dragon Psychic

Is weather boost permanent Pokemon go?

All generations of Pokémon are affected by weather. However, just because a type is boosted it doesn’t mean they’ll become common.

Catch more powerful Pokémon and use them in battle.

Weather Types boosted
Rainy Water, Bug, Electric
Cloudy Fairy, Fighting, Poison
Partly Cloudy Normal, Rock

How do I know if my raid is weather boosted?

If hosting, check the weather in your area and their associated types by clicking the icon on the top right. If it matches the raid subject, you’re good to go (the weather boost will show up during the catching challenge).

What level does weather boost?

Normally, Pokemon caught in the wild can have a maximum level of 30. When a Pokemon’s Type is boosted by the weather, Pokemon with levels up to 35 can appear!

What weather boosts ghost type?


Weather conditions Boosted types
Cloudy Fairy, Fighting, Poison
Windy Flying, Dragon, Psychic
Snow Ice, Steel
Fog Dark, Ghost

Are weather boosted Legendaries harder to catch?

Just be aware that during matching weather conditions, weather-boosted Pokémon can be more difficult to catch than usual. The extra challenge in catching these boosted Pokémon will prove worth it, though, as these Pokémon tend to perform better in battle.

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Does weather boost affect PvP?

Nope! Weather has no effect in PvP.

Can remote raids be weather boosted?

When raiding in Pokémon Go, inviting people remotely is possible. This means that it’s possible to have, for example, the host boosted by one weather type with remote people having different weather types. Weather boost for local raids means that the level of the raid boss is 25 rather than 20.

Does weather boost increase Max CP?

Due to popular demand, Kristy (GO Hub community member) has created a table showing the Maximum Capture CP of the current Raid Bosses with the weather effect boost. Weather boosted bosses appear as Level 25 captures, so their CP can be significantly higher than it is without the boost.

Do weather boosted raids have better IVs?

Weather boost does not affect legendary IVs.

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