How do I make a store a Pokestop?

Can a store be a PokeStop?

A business can apply to be added as a PokéStop, but Niantic isn’t actually accepting submissions right now. In the future, Niantic will partner with corporate retail establishments to create sponsored PokeStops, a practice that the company employed with Ingress.

When can you create a PokeStop?

Trainers who’ve reached level 38 can help grow the number of PokéStops in their community by nominating eligible objects and locations in Niantic Wayfarer.

Can players create PokeStops?

As of the summer of 2019, players can now nominate new PokéStops to be added into Pokémon Go. This gives players the opportunity to bring more PokéStops into their local area – particularly useful for rural players, or for those living in areas rich with trails and history.

What is eligible for a PokeStop?

These categories are considered an eligible candidate for a PokéStop: A location with a cool story, a place in history or educational value. An interesting piece of art or unique architecture (Statues, paintings, mosaics, light installations, etc.) A hidden gem or hyper-local spot.

Can you pay to have a Pokestop?

$30 per month gets you one Pokéstop, with the ability to change its image/description/promotion once per month. $60 per month gets you a gym, with the ability to schedule one hour of raiding per month. This plan allows you to change the image/description/promotion twice per month.

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How do you get a Pokestop at Your House 2020?

Submitting a PokéStop Nomination

  1. Starting the nomination. …
  2. Set the Location on the Map. …
  3. Take a Photo of the Object. …
  4. Take another photo for context of the surrounding area. …
  5. Add a Title and Description. …
  6. Preview and Submit. …
  7. Show why your nomination is important. …
  8. Review by Community.

Can a school be a Pokestop?

Many are already near schools. You can take advantage of a Pokestop or gym that may be near your school by promoting its presence. … Even better, you might even make your school a Pokestop or gym in the game.

How do you turn a Pokestop into a 2020 gym?

To turn a Pokestop into a Gym, you need to submit other things in the same L14 S2 cell. The 2nd, 6th and 20th new Wayspots will create a Gym. Either an existing Pokestop will convert to a Gym, or the new Wayspot will become the Gym.

Can you request a Pokestop without being level 40?

The program is now open worldwide, but to qualify, you have to be a max level 40 Pokémon GO players to even get in the door.

What to do if there are no PokeStops near you?

Once you’re at the request page, all you need to do is put in your email address, write out your request, and then select “No PokeStops or Gyms Near Me” in the “Reason” drop down menu. You should probably also give your location to Niantic if you want it to add a Pokestop or Gym near you.

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Can bus stops be PokeStops?

Bus Stops or day-to-day Bike racks

There may be some of those available as Wayspots in the game or in your area and some may still be approved, but it’s been said by Niantic that they are not eligible for Wayspots, unless there’s something artistic or historic about them.

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