How did Pokémon GO affect society?

What effect has Pokémon go had on society?

Pokémon Go has contributed to the way augmented reality and locative media changed contemporary society and the way we perceive our environment. One such application, Pokémon Go, has been an important illustration of the overall social tendency towards merging the virtual and actual dimensions.

Is Pokemon go a bad thing?

People are spending more time looking at their phones than at where they’re going. Twisted ankles, bruised shins, and other bodily injuries have been reported from excited players. There is even a growing phenomenon of “sore legs” from players not accustomed to exercise have been getting up and outside to seek Pokémon.

How relevant is Pokemon go?

Pokemon Go is still relevant in 2021 and has made over $5 billion revenue in five years – Technology News.

Is Pokemon go good for us?

Pokemon Go inspires people of all ages to get out of the house and move. In fact, players are over two times more likely to walk 10,000 steps a day, according to a study presented at the 2017 American Heart Association Scientific Session. It boosts your mood.

While normies moved on, Pokémon Go continued to exist and kept evolving. The game’s community is still lively (there are reportedly more than 800,000 daily active players in the U.S. alone), participating in live events like the annual Pokémon Go Fest.

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Is Pokemon bad for your brain?

Don’t worry, it’s not at all harmful to children or adult brains. This doesn’t just apply to Pokémon. … The researchers tackled these mysteries in a paper published in the journal Nature Human Behavior, which revealed that adults who played Pokémon as children developed a new region for the characters of the game.

Why Pokémon Go is not safe?

Can’t say I blame them – the game’s very addictive and that’s what makes it dangerous. So, to answer the questions: no, you should not allow your kids to play Pokemon Go. However, kids aren’t the most reasonable creatures. If they do throw off a temper, make sure that they stay inside while playing the game.

Who is the best Pokemon Go player in the world?


Rank Competitor W/L
#1 Doonebug97 Mazer, Boston, Massachusetts 85.3%
#2 vaNNiii Infinity GO, Gijón, Asturias – CDB Team Spain 80.24%
#3 Ventuski Rigurosos Gaming – Santiago, Chile 81.1%
#4 Ieandrooo Haßloch, Germany 76.43%

How much money has Pokemon Go made 2021?

The analytics firm added that Pokémon Go generated $641.6 million in the first half of 2021 alone, which is its strongest start of the year ever. Revenue was up 34% compared to H1 2020, and 130% compared to H1 2017.

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