Does your level in Pokémon Go matter?

Does level mean anything in Pokémon Go?

The higher certain Experience Points values Trainers have, the higher level they advance to. A Trainer can level up to access newer items and more powerful Pokémon. The current maximum level a player can get is 50. Each time players level up, rewards are given to them based on what level has been achieved.

Is level or IV more important Pokémon Go?

IVs become more important when comparing high-level Pokemon and those of the same species. If we take Altered Forme Giratina, one of the strongest ‘mons in all of Pokemon Go, and put it up against Growlithe, there is only one winner.

How important is Pokemon level?

There are two main reasons you want to get to a higher level: As your level increases, you will encounter and be able to catch more and stronger Pokémon. Handy items get unlocked at certain levels. The Razz Berry, for example, which makes Pokémon easier to catch, is unlocked at level 8.

What is a good level in Pokémon Go?

You can do most things in the game at level five, but to get the fullest experience in Pokémon Go, you’ll want to aim for level 40! To level up, you need XP.

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What’s more important IV or CP?

As explained by RustyMembers the IV is by far more important than the CP of a Pokemon. But actually equally or sometimes even more important is the Moveset of a Pokemon. A Pokemon with the best moveset dps wise but with lower IV will perform better than a similar one with a different moveset but higher IV %.

What matters most in Pokemon go?

Don’t judge a Pokémon by it’s CP because its stats, type, and moves are what matter the most when considering its performance in battle. Higher CP Pokémon will generally have higher base stats because those are certainly taken into account when calculating CP and has an effect on a Pokémon’s overall performance.

Should I transfer all my low CP Pokémon?

Yes, I recommend always transferring low-level Pokemon except for the following cases: You only have one of that Pokemon. I like to have one of each so I can have a “living Pokedex” You have enough candies to evolve that Pokemon (even when you evolve starting from high-CP).

Are higher level Pokémon better?

Due to a huge spike at level 20 (25.000 xp for level 20, 20.000 xp for level 21, 75.000 for level 22) it starts paying off more if you actually Power Up your Pokémon. And also, a Pokémon caught on a higher level not only has stronger starting stats but also tends to have a higher potential, at least in my experience.

Which Pokémon should I evolve?

You should always evolve a Pokémon fully when you can – so, a Geodude all the way through Graveler to a Golem – because otherwise the time it takes to earn another 100 Candy for your respective Pokémon will likely see you level up enough to catch a higher Level version.

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