Does Professor Rowan give you Pokeballs?

Which pokeball has piplup?

The Player’s Piplup

When Obtained Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
Where Obtained Lake Verity, Sinnoh (Diamond/Pearl) Route 201, Sinnoh (Platinum)
Poké Ball Poké Ball

Who is the youngest Pokémon Professor?

20 Professor Elm Is The Youngest Professor.

Who is Professor Rowan’s assistant?

Professor Rowan has two assistants. The first is Platinum’s father Mr. Berlitz, who accompanied Rowan to the Canalave City academic conference. The other is Roseanne, who looked after Rowan’s research lab when he was away.

Is turtwig a Pokémon?

Turtwig (Japanese: ナエトル Naetle) is a Grass-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. It evolves into Grotle starting at level 18, which evolves into Torterra starting at level 32.

Does Shinx evolve?

Does Empoleon have a mega evolution?

Mega Empoleon X was introduced in Generation VII. It is one of Empoleon’s three Mega Evolution’s. Mega Empoleon X is water & steel type.

Can piplup learn fly?

Although Empoleon is a Water/Steel-type Pokémon, it can learn a variety of Water, Ice, Steel and Flying-Type attacks.

See also  What does confetti coming out of a Pokeball mean in Pokemon go?
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