Do you need waterfall in Pokémon White 2?

Do you need waterfall in White 2?

You need Strength. Surf, Waterfall are needed for optional areas, and while it’s not really an HM, Flash is helpful for some optional areas. Cut isn’t needed, but it does open up a little shortcut in one area. As for levels, anywhere from around 55-60.

Is waterfall required in Black 2?

Clearly, since it’s so late in the game, you’ll have skipped over some areas in the game that you couldn’t access without Waterfall. So once you have Waterfall, you may wish to head back to these locations and access the areas that required it.

Do you need waterfall in White?

1 Answer. No. HMs in Gen V have largely taken a backseat (which is a good thing in my book) and there are actually very few instances where they are required to complete the game now. Waterfall is one of those that is no longer needed, unless you are a perfectionist and want to get everything.

Do you need HMs in Pokemon Black 2?

Unlikes TMs, HMs cannot be forgotten unless you go to the Move Deleter, a man that can delete any move in your Pokemon’s move set. Both TMs and HMs can be used an infinite amount of times.

Hidden Machines.

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HM # Move Location
HM05 Waterfall From N at Victory Road
HM06 Dive From Rival in Undella Town after Pokemon League

Where do you get waterfall in White 2?

HM05, Waterfall, is obtained from N in Victory Road.

Who can learn waterfall?

Learnt by TR

  • Squirtle. #007 / Water.
  • Wartortle. #008 / Water.
  • Blastoise. #009 / Water.
  • Psyduck. #054 / Water.
  • Golduck. #055 / Water.
  • Poliwag. #060 / Water.
  • Poliwhirl. #061 / Water.
  • Poliwrath. #062 / Water · Fighting.

What HMs do you need for Black 2?

Of all the HMs, only a single use of Cut is required at the Dreamyard for completing Pokémon Black and White. Only Surf and Strength are required for completing Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. Cut, Surf, Strength, Waterfall, and Dive can still be often used to access optional areas.

How do you get a waterfall in Unova?


  1. Once you get surf you go to route 18, after you beat the game, there will be one of the seven sages and there will be a pokeball to his left and that is waterfall. …
  2. Rasenkage was wrong about the bottom right, it is the bottom left, but he is right about route 18.

What HMs do you need for black and white?

5 Answers. The only HM you need to complete the main storyline of Black and White is cut, and this is a one-time event (you need to Cut a tree down in the Dreamyard to progress the storyline). Because of this, other HM moves only allow access to hidden items or for convenience.

Are TMs reusable in black?

You can now use them infinite times, but in exchange the price of TMs has increased considerably in shops but they are now reusable like HMs. Prior to Generation V, TMs are single-use items that are consumed after use, in contrast to Hidden Machines (HMs) which are not consumed.

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Can Samurott learn earthquake?

This is the first water starter that cannot learn Earthquake.

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