Do you need strength to get through Victory Road Pokemon Y?

How do you get through Victory Road in Pokemon Y?

Victory Road is a long path that takes you inside caves and around a mountain from the Route 22/Route 21 gate to the Pokemon League. You can find a number of Pokemon in these areas in a number of ways, along with many strong Pokemon Trainers.

Victory Road.

Pokemon Poliwag
Type Water
Area Water, Fishing with Old Rod
Version X and Y

What HMs are needed for Victory Road Y?

Surf is a compulsory HM.

Others include Strength to access shortcuts, and Rock Smash and Waterfall for some items. answered Oct 29, 2013 by !’ •-Indigo-•’! You did thanks.

How do you get through Victory Road?

In order to get through Victory Road, you need to do some old-fashioned rock pushing. The puzzles are exceedingly simple if you know what to do. Just push the boulders onto the round switches to clear the path. To get the items on the first floor, you need to push the rock so that it blocks one of the items.

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Do you need waterfall for Victory Road?

It can be accessed from the gate connecting Route 21 and Route 22 by Trainers who have collected eight Badges from the Gyms of Kalos. Surf, Strength, Rock Smash, and Waterfall are required to clear and fully explore the area.

Where do you get earthquake in Pokemon Y?

TM26 Earthquake is found on Route 22. Use Surf and Waterfall near the end of the route to find a srone-moving puzzle. You’ll need the HM strength to complete the puzzle and to recieve the TM.

What HMs are needed for Y?

Five HMs are required for completing the games: Surf, Strength, Rock Smash, Waterfall, and Dive. While Cut is not required anymore, it can still be used to access optional areas.

What Pokemon can you catch on Victory Road?

Pokemon Let’s Go Victory Road Pokemon

Pokemon Spawn Chance Encounter
Machoke 15% normal
Machoke 15% normal
Machoke 15% normal
Geodude 10% normal

How do you get through Victory Road in Pokemon White?

Exploring Victory Road On the Way Up

  1. Enter the first door on 1F and cross the water using Surf to score a Max Revive.
  2. Take the stairs up to 2F and fight Ace Trainer Shanta. …
  3. Surf to the back of the second cave and grab a Rare Candy. …
  4. Ignore the door leading outside and continue up the stairs to 3F.

Can Bibarel learn waterfall?

Bibarel is probably the best travel pokemon there is, as it can learn Rock Smash, Cut, Surf, Strength, Waterfall, and Rock Climb.

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Is Defog needed?

You don’t actually need it anywhere, just like Flash. It makes things a hell of a lot easier, though, and you won’t have to deal with annoying accuracy decreases.

What HMs do you need for victory road white?

You don’t need any HMs for Victory Road, though you might want strength just to make some shortcuts.

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