Can Lick paralyze Electric Pokémon?

Can electric types be paralyzed by lick?

Body Slam and Lick have a 30% chance to paralyze, while all Electric attacks (save Thunder Wave) have a 10% chance to paralyze.

Does shock wave paralyze Pokemon?

Shock Wave deals damage and ignores changes to the Accuracy and Evasion stats. However, it will not hit Pokémon during the invulnerable stage of Bounce, Dig, Dive, Fly, Shadow Force or Sky Drop.

What moves can paralyze Pokemon?


  • Tri Attack – Has a 6.7% chance of Paralysis.
  • Bolt Strike – 10% chance of Paralysis.
  • Thunder Fang – 10% chance of Paralysis.
  • Thunder Punch – 10% chance of Paralysis.
  • Thunder Shock – 10% chance of Paralysis.
  • Volt Tackle – 10% chance of Paralysis.
  • Body Slam – 30% chance of Paralysis.
  • Bounce – 30% chance of Paralysis.

Why do electric types get paralyzed?

Paralysis is caused by disrupting electric signals to the brain, so it seems only natural that Electric types would be immune to this.

Can you paralyze electric types Gen 3?

2 Answers. Yes. Ground and Electric types can be paralyzed by Static, Effect Spore, Stun Spore and any other paralyze inducing ability and non-electric paralyzing move.

Is Shockwave a good move?

1 Answer. Shock Wave would be a great temporary move, although when you can, Thunderbolt is definitely worth replacing Shock Wave with.

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Can Zygarde be paralyzed?

You may want to use a status effects to help catch this legendary. Recommendations are freezing or sleep statuses, since it cannot be paralyzed except when affected by the Static ability.

What is Garchomp hidden ability?

1. Sand Veil. Rough Skin (hidden ability)

Can Pokémon break out of paralysis?

If a Pokémon is Paralyzed, it will be unable to attack or retreat for one turn after it becomes Paralyzed. However, in between turns, a Pokemon becomes unparalyzed. That Pokémon is no longer Asleep, Confused, Paralyzed, Poisoned, or anything else that might be the result of an attack (just as if you had evolved it).

Can fire types be burned?

Fire-type Pokémon cannot be burned, unless their type is changed.

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