Best answer: What do you use King’s Rock for in Pokemon go?

Kings Rock is a stone that helps in evolving certain Pokemon in the game. This stone acts just like the Sinnoh stone, Dragon Scale or Sun Stone and helps in evolving certain Pokemon. The players can use the Kings Rock to evolve two Pokemon in Pokemon Go, Poliwhirl to Politoed, and Slowpoke to Slowking.

What Pokémon can I evolve with King’s Rock?

King’s Rock evolves Poliwhirl into Politoed and Slowpoke into Slowking. Dragon Scale evolves Seadra into Kingdra. Sun Stone evolves Gloom into Bellossom and Sunkern into Sunflora.

How many Pokémon need King’s Rock?

Currently, there are 2 applicable Pokemon who can use this item: Slowpoke can use the Kings Rock and 50 Slowpoke Candy to evolve into Slowking – or just the candy to evolve into Slowbro. Poliwhirl can also use the Kings Rock and 100 Politwag Candy to evolve into Politoed – or just the candy to evolve into Poliwrath.

What needs a metal coat to evolve?

Let’s break them down: The metal coat transforms Onix into Steelix or Scyther into Scizor. The king’s rock transforms Slowpoke into Slowking or Poliwhirl into Politoed. The dragon’s scale transforms Seadra into Kingdra.

Who is better Politoed or Poliwrath?

Poliwrath has a bit more diversity because of its Fighting-type, but it makes it weaker to several other things, whereas Politoed is only weak to Electric and Grass-type attacks. … Overall, Politoed is a much better option. With XL candy, Politoed has become a better Pokémon when it comes to the Great and Ultra Leagues.

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What Pokémon evolve with a shiny stone?

Shiny Stones are used to evolve Togetic and Roselia. Dusk Stones are used to evolve Murkrow and Misdreavus. Dawn Stones are used to evolve female Snorunt and male Kirlia.

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