Best answer: Should I power up Pokemon before level 30?

Is it worth powering up a Pokemon past level 30?

Consider not powering-up a Pokémon unless it has 90% IV’s or higher. Stardust is too rare to spend elsewhere and a trainer may later regret spending this scare resource on lesser Pokémon. It’s almost certainly not worth levelling a Pokémon past level 30.

Should I evolve pokemon before level 30?

If you want powerful pokemon it’s better to wait till level 30 as you find higher levels in the wild and save stardust. Until you catch a perfect level 35. After level 30 you’ll see higher level Pokémon in the wild.

What level should you power up Pokemon?

Each Power Up increases the level of a Pokémon by 0.5. Trainer can Power Up their Pokémon to their Trainer levels + 10, which implies that Trainers only need to be level 30 to get a Pokémon at level 40. Powering up Pokémon to level 41 to 50 consumes Stardust and Candy XL.

Is it better to power up Pokemon before or after evolving them?

You’ll want to evolve Pokemon before you power them up, to make sure they’ve got attacks that do the most damage. Once a Pokemon evolves, they’ll get a new randomly generated set of moves. Some moves are faster, and others do more damage.

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Do higher level Pokémon do more damage?

For many Trainers, the relatively small increase in damage output gained by powering up above level 30 is only worth all that extra stardust and candy, if the Pokémon is extremely useful and relevant in both the current meta-game and what they expect the future meta-game to become.

Should I max out CP before evolving?

Since CP increases from power ups are also proportional across evolutions, you’ll get the same results for the same amount of stardust and candies whether you power up the Pokemon before or after evolving it. It should make no difference at all.

Is Mewtwo worth powering up?

Yes. It is worth powering up. The worst possible Mewtwo will have an attack stat of 310 (300 base + 10 IV), which is higher than anything else currently available in the game.

What Pokemon should I power to level 50?

Best Pokémon to power up beyond L40 for Great and Ultra League

Pokémon League Level
Lickitung Normal Great 50 50.5 (BB)
Bastiodon RockSteel Great 50
Sableye DarkGhost Great 49.5
Registeel Steel Ultra 50 (51 – BB)
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