Best answer: How long does a Pokémon stay confused TCG?


How do you get rid of confusion in Pokemon TCG?

The only way to cure a Pokémon with confusion is to retreat it back to the bench or through a Trainer card. A Confused Pokémon can also snap out of confusion if it obtains a new Special Condition, like Asleep or Paralyzed, instead.

What happens when a Pokémon is confused in TCG?

When a Pokemon is confused, indicate it by turning the card upside down. Confused Pokemon must flip a coin after they declare an attack. If heads, the attack happens as normal. If tails, the attack is canceled and the attacking Pokemon takes 30 damage instead!

Does Confusion end Pokemon TCG?

Nope, unless you retreat. > The Confusion Special Condition is one of the most commonly seen conditions alongside Poisoned. If a Pokémon is Confused, its card must be turned upside-down.

Can you sleep and confused Pokemon TCG?

An Active Pokémon may only have Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed at once, and Burned and Poisoned can be used concurrently. and all Special Conditions are removed upon its return to the bench or upon the usage of a Trainer card that is able to remove Special Conditions.

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Can a Pokémon be confused and asleep?

An Active Pokémon may only have Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed at once, and Burned and Poisoned can be used concurrently.

Can a Pokémon be paralyzed and confused?

It’s possible for a Pokemon to become Confused and Paralyzed at the same time.

Does rest cure confusion?

Your Pokémon is protected from any further status changes while Resting. Rest does not remove or prevent confusion or Leech Seed, however.

Can benched Pokémon be poisoned?

While they do not heal hit points, a Pokémon that retreats or otherwise moves to the bench does remove all other conditions – any status condition such as poisoned, burned, confused, asleep, paralyzed; any effect from attacks or abilities (that aren’t still acting on it) is removed (things like “this Pokémon can’t …

Can you evolve a confused Pokémon?

You may evolve a Basic Pokémon to a Stage 1 Pokémon or a Stage 1 Pokémon to a Stage 2 Pokémon. When a Pokémon evolves, it keeps all cards attached to it (Energy cards, Evolution cards, etc.) … Special Conditions on the Pokémon—such as Asleep, Confused, or Poisoned—also end when it evolves.

Does retreating a Pokémon remove damage?

Keep all damage counters and all attached cards with each Pokémon when they switch. Pokémon that are Asleep or Paralyzed cannot retreat. When your Active Pokémon goes to your Bench (whether it retreated or got there some other way), some things do go away—Special Conditions and any effects from attacks.

How much is a damage counter in Pokémon?

Damage on a Pokémon is represented by damage counters. Each counter represents 10 damage. Damage is permanent unless it is removed by an effect or modifier or that Pokémon leaves play.

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How much damage does a confused Pokémon do?

During confusion, Pokémon have a 50% chance to damage themselves instead of executing the selected move.

How long is Pokémon paralysis?

The paralysis can last from half an hour to 36 hours, with an average of 15 hours, at which point it resolves completely. ! Welcome to the next part of our adventure through the World of Pokémon!

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