Best answer: Can you replace Pokemon in Nuzlocke?

What happens if you get a duplicate Pokémon in a Nuzlocke?

The Dupes Clause means that if the first Pokemon encountered in an area is a dupe, the player may ignore it and catch the first non-dupe encounter instead. The motivation for this rule is to increase the variety of Pokemon on a player’s team. The Dupes Clause is considered acceptable in a Nuzlocke challenge.

Can you have 2 of the same Pokémon in Nuzlocke?

There’s a commonly enforced rule called the Dupes Clause that allows you to catch another Pokemon if you’ve already caught the same species in a previous area. It’s used to have more variety between team members. It, like many other Nuzlocke rules, is entirely optional, and you can play with or without it.

Can you revive a dead Pokémon in a Nuzlocke?

If you have a Max Revive discovered on the ground(i.e. not by Pickup), you can save a Pokemon that has just died. If you accidentaly kill the first Pokemon you see on a route then you may search for that same species and capture it.

What is the hardest Pokémon game to Nuzlocke?

For those who want a fierce challenge, Pokémon Platinum is considered by many to be the most difficult Nuzlocke challenge in the series.

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Can you skip repeats in Nuzlocke?

You can ignore duplicates when encountering new Pokémon in an area. For example, if you already caught a Rattata on Route 1 and encounter another one on Route 2, you can ignore it and catch the next new Pokémon you encounter instead.

What is Cagelocke?

The Cagelocke follows the three classic Nuzlocke rules; only the first Pokemon on each route may be captured unless it is shiny, all Pokemon must be nicknamed, and if a Pokemon faints it is considered dead. No held items or TMs can be used throughout the playthrough.

Can you catch dupes in a Nuzlocke?

These are the basic guidelines of any Nuzlocke challenge. Some common optional rules include: Duplicate clause: If the first Pokémon in an area is one the player already owns, they may continue battling until they encounter one they do not own, and then attempt to catch it.

What is the easiest Pokemon game to Nuzlocke?

But if you have a well balanced team and didn’t lose a Pokémon to N, the battle will be over before you know it. Black and White are the easiest games to Nuzlocke.

Can you run away in a Nuzlocke?

A Nuzlocke is a playthrough of a Pokémon game with several self-imposed rules. The standard Nuzlocke rules are: Only the first Pokémon on any route can be caught. If that Pokémon is knocked out or it runs away etc., then no further Pokémon will be caught on that route.

Can you trade dead Pokemon in a Nuzlocke?

Basic rules

The Nuzlocke Challenge has only two rules that must be followed: Any Pokémon that faints is considered dead, and must be released or put in the Pokémon Storage System permanently (or may be transferred to another game, as long as the Pokémon is never able to be used again during this run).

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Can you revive your starter in a Nuzlocke?

1 Answer. There’s really no point in doing a nuzlocke when you even allow reviving Pokemon. The only exception to that would be with NPC double battle team ups, where the AI is too unpredictable for you to do anything.

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