Best answer: Can you have more than 1 lucky friend in Pokémon go?

Can you only get one lucky friend a day?

You can only raise your friendship level once per day, so if you’re trying to maximize your gifts or save time, make sure you haven’t raised your friendship already that day.

Can you do two lucky trades Pokemon go?

Pokemon can’t be traded more than once, so you can’t swap back and forth with another player to get your favourite Pokemon on your team as Lucky, or to re-roll stats.

How do you get lucky friends in Pokemon go?

To become Lucky friends in Pokemon GO, players will first need to become Best friends with another player. Once you’ve done that, simply continue to send gifts to each other and battle together and eventually you’ll reach Lucky friend status.

Can you be lucky friends twice?

You can become Lucky Friends with a Best Friend more than once, though not more than once per day.

Is a lucky Pokemon rare?

Lucky Pokémon are not available in the wild, and they are only available from Trading. Lucky Pokémon are quite rare in GO, but you can get a guaranteed Lucky Pokémon by trading with a Lucky friend, or by trading Pokémon caught in July and August of 2016.

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Is one lucky trade a day?

There is a limit of 100 trades per account, per day, though.

Are lucky Pokemon always high IV?

A Lucky Pokemon’s IV is relatively higher than those caught in the wild, the same as Pokemon hatched from eggs or caught from raid battles.

Do Lucky Pokemon stay lucky when evolved?

Yes it works the same way as a shiny. Once a lucky/shiny it will remain that way upon evolving.

Can you get lucky Pokemon without being lucky friends?

You can get Lucky Pokémon randomly when trading Pokémon with friends. When you trade, there’s a small chance that your Pokémon will become Lucky. Both Pokémon will always become Lucky if one does. … This means that holding onto rare Pokémon for a long time is probably worth doing, even if just to get a Lucky Pokémon.

How many lucky friends can you get in one day?

You can hold a maximum of 10. After your friend OPENS your gift, you will level up for the first time! You can level up your friendship once per day with various activities.

Can you trade with lucky friends far away?

Unfortunately for players, Pokémon Go only allows friends within 100 meters to trade with one another, though this distance is occasionally lengthened during specific events.

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