Your question: What planet has the deepest oceans?

Like our planet, Europa is thought to have an iron core, a rocky mantle and an ocean of salty water. Unlike Earth, however, Europa’s ocean lies below a shell of ice probably 10 to 15 miles (15 to 25 kilometers) thick and has an estimated depth of 40 to 100 miles (60 to 150 kilometers).

What is the deepest ocean in the universe?

However, in terms of average depth, the Pacific Ocean is the deepest. Though calculations vary, it is estimated that the entire ocean floor averages about 4,280 meters (14,042 ft), which is over 500 m (1640 ft) deeper than the global average of 3,700 meters (12,100 ft).

Can you breathe on Europa?

Europa has a thin oxygen atmosphere, but it is far too tenuous for humans to breathe. … Europa’s magnetic field shields its surface from Jupiter’s deadly radiation.

Which planet has the most water?

Earth is the only known planet to have bodies of liquid water on its surface.

Is Neptune a water world?

Structure. Neptune is one of two ice giants in the outer solar system (the other is Uranus). Most (80 percent or more) of the planet’s mass is made up of a hot dense fluid of “icy” materials—water, methane and ammonia—above a small, rocky core.

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Is there a planet with just water?

Earth is the only astronomical object known to have bodies of liquid water on its surface, although several exoplanets have been found with the right conditions to support liquid water. For exoplanets, current technology cannot directly observe liquid surface water, so atmospheric water vapor may be used as a proxy.

What planet has the most oxygen?

Among all the planets, only one of them has plants that produce food via photosynthesis. That planet is earth and thus has the highest amount of oxygen among the planets. Mercury and Mars have traces of oxygen in their atmospheres as well.

Can we breathe on Titan?

Another theoretically possible means to become airborne on Titan would be to use a hot air balloon-like vehicle filled with an Earth-like atmosphere at Earth-like temperatures (because oxygen is only slightly denser than nitrogen, the atmosphere in a habitat on Titan would be about one third as dense as the surrounding …

Why can we not live on Neptune?

To find life on Neptune, the planet would need to have a source of energy that bacterial life can exploit, as well as a standing source of liquid water. At its surface, the temperature of Neptune dips down to 55 Kelvin. That’s very cold, and there’s no way liquid water could exist.

Is the water on Europa drinkable?

The best places to look for life are where the ocean overlies warm rock. This may be the case inside Europa (Jupiter) and Enceladus (Saturn), but chemical reactions with the rock would make the liquid water salty, so not good to drink.

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Is Earth the only planet with life?

Earth is the only planet in the universe known to possess life. The planet boasts several million species of life, living in habitats ranging from the bottom of the deepest ocean to a few miles into the atmosphere. And scientists think far more species remain to be discovered.

What is the hottest planet?

Venus is the exception, as its proximity to the Sun and dense atmosphere make it our solar system’s hottest planet. The average temperatures of planets in our solar system are: Mercury – 800°F (430°C) during the day, -290°F (-180°C) at night. Venus – 880°F (471°C)

Which planet has the shortest day?

The planet Jupiter has the shortest day of all the eight major planets in the Solar System. It spins around on its axis once every 9 hr 55 min 29.69 sec. Jupiter has a small axial tilt of only 3.13 degrees, meaning it has little seasonal variation during its 11.86-year-long orbit of the Sun.

Can u live on Neptune?

Neptune, like the other gas giants in our solar system, doesn’t have much of a solid surface to live on. But the planet’s largest moon, Triton, could make an interesting place to set up a space colony. So far, only a single spacecraft has ever visited Triton.

Does it rain diamonds on Neptune?

Deep within Neptune and Uranus, it rains diamonds—or so astronomers and physicists have suspected for nearly 40 years. The outer planets of our Solar System are hard to study, however. … Beyond the lingering mystery of the diamond rain, there’s a big loss in our failure to study Uranus and Neptune inside and out.

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Can you swim on Neptune?

2 Answers. Being an ice giant, there is no water on the surface of Neptune. Having a surface temperature of −201 oC any water on Neptune will be frozen.

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