Who was the most famous person in ww1?

1. Alvin York. Sergeant Alvin York was once described as World War I’s “greatest civilian soldier,” yet he began the conflict as a conscientious objector.

Who was the most important person in World War 1?

Key People

  • Prince Max von Baden. The chancellor of Germany during the final months of the war. …
  • Winston Churchill. The first lord of the British admiralty. …
  • Constantine I. The king of Greece for much of the war. …
  • Sir Christopher Cradock. …
  • Franz Ferdinand. …
  • Franz Joseph I. …
  • Paul von Hindenburg. …
  • Erich Ludendorff.

Who was a hero in World War 1?

Alvin York, (born Dec. 13, 1887, Pall Mall, Tenn., U.S.—died Sept. 2, 1964, Nashville, Tenn.), celebrated American hero of World War I, immortalized by the film version of his life story, Sergeant York (1941).

Who died the most in ww1?

World War 1 casualties

Entente Powers Population (million) Dead soldiers
Russia 164 1,811,000 to 2,254,369
Serbia 3.1 275,000
United States of America 98.8 117,000
Australia 4.5 61,966
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Who led the World War 1?

The immediate cause of World War I that made the aforementioned items come into play (alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism) was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. In June 1914, a Serbian-nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand sent groups to assassinate the Archduke.

Who were the bravest soldiers in ww1?

It stated that George V had awarded Lance Corporal Albert Jacka the Victoria Cross, Britain and the Commonwealth’s most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy. “For most conspicuous bravery on the night of the 19th–20th May, 1915 at ‘Courtney’s Post’, Gallipoli Peninsula,” said the citation.

Who was famous in ww1?

6 American Heroes of WWI

  • Alvin York. Sergeant Alvin York was once described as World War I’s “greatest civilian soldier,” yet he began the conflict as a conscientious objector. …
  • Frank Luke. …
  • Henry Johnson. …
  • Charles Whittlesey. …
  • Edouard Izac. …
  • Dan Daly.

Who had the strongest army in ww1?

By the end of 1918, the British Army had reached its maximum strength of 3,820,000 men and could field over 70 divisions. The vast majority of the British Army fought in the main theatre of war on the Western Front in France and Belgium against the German Empire.

Who is the hero of Germany?

This was Hermann, or, as the Romans called him, Arminius. He is indeed the German national hero. Hermann was a prince. He was one of the many German princes who had learned Roman manners, and who had served in the Roman army.

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Who survived in World War 1?

The last living veteran of World War I was Florence Green, a British citizen who served in the Allied armed forces, and who died 4 February 2012, aged 110. The last combat veteran was Claude Choules who served in the British Royal Navy (and later the Royal Australian Navy) and died 5 May 2011, aged 110.

What weapon killed the most in WW1?

Artillery. Artillery was the most destructive weapon on the Western Front. Guns could rain down high explosive shells, shrapnel and poison gas on the enemy and heavy fire could destroy troop concentrations, wire, and fortified positions. Artillery was often the key to successful operations.

What happened to dead soldiers in WW1?

What happened to the dead bodies in WW1 and WW2? … The dead was usually buried right where they fell, and as soon as possible. Burying them was more important than the war itself because piles of rotting bodies would’ve caused plagues and decimated both sides.

How many died in WW1 total?

There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians. The Entente Powers (also known as the Allies) lost about 5.7 million soldiers while the Central Powers lost about 4 million.

What year was World War 3?

World War III

Date November 23, 2051 – January 14, 2055
Location Europe, Pacific, South-East Asia, North-East Asia, China, Middle East, Mediterranean, North Africa and East Africa
Causes Japanese attack on American Orbital Defense Network.
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Why did Germany start ww1?

Germany entered into World War I on August 1, 1914, when it declared war on Russia. … The German invasion of Belgium caused Britain to declare war on Germany on August 4. Most of the main parties were now at war. In October 1914, Turkey joined the war on Germany’s side, becoming part of the Central Powers.

What caused the US to enter ww1?

On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson went before a joint session of Congress to request a declaration of war against Germany. … Germany’s resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and merchant ships in 1917 became the primary motivation behind Wilson’s decision to lead the United States into World War I.

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