Which vertebrae have the largest size vertebral bodies?

The lumbar vertebrae are located between the ribcage and the pelvis and are the largest of the vertebrae. The pedicles are strong, as are the laminae, and the spinous process is thick and broad. The vertebral foramen is large and triangular.

Which vertebral body has the largest size?

Lumbar vertebrae carry the greatest amount of body weight and are thus characterized by the large size and thickness of the vertebral body (Figure 9). They have short transverse processes and a short, blunt spinous process that projects posteriorly.

Which vertebrae have large vertebral bodies?

Lumbar vertebrae have very large vertebral bodies, which are kidney shaped. They lack the characteristic features of other vertebrae, with no transverse foramina, costal facets, or bifid spinous processes. However, like the cervical vertebrae, they have a triangular-shaped vertebral foramen.

Which cervical vertebrae has the largest vertebral body?

The 7th cervical (C7) vertebra is the largest and most inferior vertebra in the neck region.

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Which vertebrae have the largest and strongest bodies?

Lumbar Spine: In your low back, you have 5 vertebrae that are labeled L1 to L5 (the ‘L’ means lumbar). Some people have 6 lumbar vertebrae. These vertebrae are your largest and strongest vertebrae, responsible for carrying a lot of your body’s weight.

What are the 4 major curves of the vertebrae?

The adult vertebral column does not form a straight line, but instead has four curvatures along its length – cervical, thoracic, lumbar, pelvic (sacrum/coccyx) (see Figure 6.29). These curves increase the vertebral column’s strength, flexibility, and ability to absorb shock.

What separates the vertebrae in life?

The bodies of the vertebrae are separated from each other by intervertebral discs. The body is mainly spongy bone and red marrow, but the margins of the upper and lower surfaces consist of a ring of compact bone, the vertebral end-plates.

What is the difference between vertebra and vertebrae?

As nouns the difference between vertebra and vertebrae

is that vertebra is any of the small bones which make up the backbone while vertebrae is ; the bones that make up the spinal column.

What are the 4 types of vertebrae?

There are 33 vertebrae in the human spine that are split into four regions that correspond to the curvature of the spine; the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx. The vertebrae of the sacrum and coccyx are fused, but those of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions are separated by intervertebral discs.

What is the difference between vertebrae and spinal cord?

The vertebral column surrounds the spinal cord which travels within the spinal canal, formed from a central hole within each vertebra. The spinal cord is part of the central nervous system that supplies nerves and receives information from the peripheral nervous system within the body.

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Where is the C spine located?

The cervical spine is the most superior portion of the vertebral column, lying between the cranium and the thoracic vertebrae. It consists of seven distinct vertebrae, two of which are given unique names: The first cervical vertebrae (C1) is known as the atlas.

What is L7 in the spine?

The seventh lumbar vertebra (L7) or its caudal articular processes are considered the most frequent sites of fractures, with fracture occurring more commonly than dislocation (Flatt et al., 1974).

What are the 7 cervical vertebrae?

Position of human cervical vertebrae (shown in red). It consists of 7 bones, from top to bottom, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, and C7. In tetrapods, cervical vertebrae (singular: vertebra) are the vertebrae of the neck, immediately below the skull.

What part of the vertebrae supports most of the body weight?

The lumbar spine – the lower back, composed of five vertebrae, provides support for the majority of your body’s weight.

What is the first vertebra called?

The Atlas. The first cervical vertebra (the atlas, or C1) develops from three primary centers of ossification: one in the anterior arch, and one in each lateral mass (Fig. 13-9). During development, these centers grow toward one another until the entire vertebra is ossified.

Which part of the vertebral column bears the most weight?

The lumbar vertebrae are the some of the largest and heaviest vertebrae in the spine, second in size only to the sacrum. A cylinder of bone known as the vertebral body makes up the majority of the lumbar vertebrae’s mass and bears most of the body’s weight.

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