Question: Which River Has The Highest Run Off?

India’s largest run off river is

  • a. Ganga.
  • Narmada.
  • Mahanadi.
  • Godavari.

What River has the highest discharge?

The fastest moving rivers or rivers with the highest discharge include the following:

  1. The Amazon River. The Amazon River is found in the continent of South America and is the largest river in the world regarding discharge by volume.
  2. Congo River.
  3. Ganges – Brahmaputra – Meghna.
  4. Significance Of Rivers.

Which river holds the most water?

Amazon River

What river has the strongest current?

Top 10 Most Powerful Rivers in the World

  • Parana River.
  • Yenisey River.
  • Mississippi River.
  • Brahmaputra River.
  • Yangtze River.
  • Orinoco River. The Orinoco River is one of the longest in South America.
  • Congo River. You might know the Congo River as the Zaire River.
  • Amazon River. The Amazon River is the largest river in the world when looking at its volume.
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What is Runoff River?

Runoff is the movement of landwater to the oceans, chiefly in the form of rivers, lakes, and streams. Runoff consists of precipitation that neither evaporates, transpires nor penetrates the surface to become groundwater.

Where is a river the fastest?

Toward the middle of a river, water tends to flow fastest; toward the margins of the river it tends to flow slowest. 2. In a meandering river, water will tend to flow fastest along the outside bend of a meander, and slowest on the inside bend. A. Rivers move material down stream in one of three ways.

What is the deepest river in the world?

The Congo

Which river has the largest mouth?

Amazon River

Which is the fastest flowing river in India?

Teesta River

What is the shortest river in the world?

Roe River

What is the slowest river in the world?

The Everglades is the world’s slowest-moving river. When rain fills Lake Okeechobee, in south-central Florida, the lake overflows into the 50-foot wide, 1.5 million acre water filtration system and flows about one meter an hour toward the Gulf of Mexico, at the southern tip of the Sunshine State.

How fast is the fastest river?

Off the Atlantic seaboard of the United States, the Gulf Stream flows at a rate nearly 300 times faster than the typical flow of the Amazon River. The velocity of the current is fastest near the surface, with the maximum speed typically about 5.6 miles per hour (nine kilometers per hour).

How fast is the average river?

Speed probably varies from about 3 ½ to 7 miles per hour.” Dunn, Jimmy, The Nile River, Tour Egypt, June 5, 2006. “The Nile flowed from south to north at an average speed of about four knots during inundation season.” The speed of a river varies from close to 0 m/s to 3.1 m/s (7 mph).

Why is runoff a problem?

It is often referred to as “Polluted Runoff.” Because polluted stormwater runoff is caused by so many of our everyday activities, we all need to work together to prevent it! Stormwater picks up and carries numerous pollutants into our waterways. Many of these pollutants can cause problems in very small amounts.

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What causes run off?

In addition to causing water erosion and pollution, surface runoff in urban areas is a primary cause of urban flooding which can result in property damage, damp and mold in basements, and street flooding.

What is land runoff?

Surface runoff is water, from rain, snowmelt, or other sources, that flows over the land surface, and is a major component of the water cycle. Runoff that occurs on surfaces before reaching a channel is also called overland flow. A land area which produces runoff draining to a common point is called a watershed.

Which is the oldest river in the world?

Due to this, there is often a lot of debate over which river in the world is the oldest.

Overall, the oldest rivers in the world are over 300 million years old and formed during a time of high geological activity.

  1. Nile River.
  2. Colorado River.
  3. Susquehanna River.
  4. French Broad River.
  5. Meuse.
  6. New River.
  7. Finke River.

Why do rivers flow faster on the outside?

Meandering rivers erode sediment from the outer curve of each meander bend and deposit it on an inner curve further down stream. The water flows faster in these deeper sections and erodes material from the river bank. The water flows more slowly in the shallow areas near the inside of each bend.

Which is the fastest river in Africa?

The best part of our month’s stay in Nyeri was always fetching water from the Gura River, which is the fastest river in Africa! (Some call it the “Usain Bolt” River.)

Which river crosses the Tropic of Cancer twice in world?

Mahi river

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What is the most dangerous river?

According to a new video by British fact-seeker Tom Scott, the narrowest part of the river, called the Strid, appears to be a humble forest creek but is actually one of the most lethal stretches of water in the world.

Which river crosses the equator twice?

Congo River

Which is the biggest river in the world?

Here is a list of five longest rivers of the world

  • Nile River: The longest river in the world. Nile River: the longest river in the world (Image: 10mosttoday)
  • Amazon River: Second longest and the largest by water flow. Amazon River (Image: 10mosttoday)
  • Yangtze River: The longest river in Asia.
  • Mississippi-Missouri.
  • Yenisei.

What is the youngest river in the world?

The Top Ten: Longest Rivers of the World

Rank River Approximate Length—miles
1. Nile 4,180
2. Amazon 3,912
3. Mississippi-Missouri-Red Rock 3,710
4. Chang Jiang (Yangtze) 3,602

6 more rows

Which is the widest river in the world?

Amazon River

How fast do you float down a river?

A: With average river conditions, you can generally factor a speed of about 2 mph, which equals around 4 to 6 hours of paddling time for the typical 8- to 10-mile float trip.

Why does the speed of a river increase downstream?

Velocity increases as more water is added to rivers via tributary rivers. This means that less of the water is in contact with the bed of the river and the mouth so there is less energy used to overcome friction. Hence rivers flow progressively faster on their journey downstream.

How fast does water fall?

“At sea level, a large raindrop about 5 millimeters across (house-fly size) falls at the rate of 9 meters per second (20 miles per hour). Drizzle drops (less than 0.5 mm across, i.e., salt-grain size) fall at 2 meters per second (4.5 mph).” Rain is the liquid form of precipitation on Earth.

Photo in the article by “Flickr”

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