Which of these has largest atom Na P Cl Si Mg?

Since all the elements given are in third period. Size decreases across the period, hence, The first element Sodium is largest.

Which atom is bigger mg or CL?

Since chlorine’s 17 protons are greater than magnesium’s 12 protons, chlorine will have a greater effective nuclear charge to draw chlorine’s valence electrons closer to the nucleus and, thus, chlorine is expected to have the smaller atomic radius, while magnesium with the lower effective nuclear charge is expected to …

Which of these has largest atoms?

Among the given elements, Na is the element which has largest atoms.

Which of the following has the largest atomic radius Al Si CL na?

The element potassium (K) present in group 1 has the largest atomic radius.

Which element has the largest atomic radius mg or Na?

Explanation: Given that atomic size decreases across a Period, the sodium atom is larger than that of magnesium. Both third row metals are larger than second row beryllium, inasmuch as the third Period metals build on the atomic radius (the electron shell) already possessed by the second Period.

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Which is larger Cl or Ar?

Cl- has the same number of electrons as Ar, but it has less protons, so less of a positive charge pulling those electrons to the nucleus, so will has a larger radius.

Which is bigger Cl or Br?

As Br is smaller than Cl; therefore, Br- have a smaller ionization energy than Cl-. In short, since the outermost electron in bromine is farther from the nucleus than the outermost electron in chloride, it takes less energy to remove the outermost electron in bromide.

Which of the following is largest in size Na p Al Si?

Size decreases across the period, hence, The first element Sodium is largest.

Does Na or Na+ have a larger radius?

As is known from the chemistry course, when the element loses electron (turn into cation, with positive charge), the atom radius is getting low, so obviously Na+ is smaller than Na.

Which of these has largest atom ₁₂mg ₁₇cl ₁₅p ₁₄si?

The largest atoms of these is Sodium.

Which is smaller P or CL?

a) Which of the following gaseous atoms is smallest: P, Cl, Ca, Si? The atoms P, Cl, and Si are in period 3; Cl is the smallest of these three, since size decreased across a period (effective nuclear charge increases).

What is the atomic radius of CL?

175 pm

Which one has the largest atomic radius?

Explanation: Francium has the largest, Helium has the lowest. Atomic radius increases as you go to the left and downward due to the attraction of electrons and the nucleus in an atom.

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Which is bigger Na or MG?

It is due to increased nuclear charge because of which force of attraction between the nucleus and valence electrons increases therefore atomic size decreases, so Na is bigger in size than Mg.

Which is bigger Na or Mg Why?

Answer. Sodium(Na) is bigger than Magnesium(Mg) because the atomic no. of Na is 11 whereas the atomic number of Magnesium is 12 so the atom of Magnesium shrinks more than sodium .

Is K or K+ larger?

When at neutral, the potassium ion in the form of K has an electronic configuration of: … The K+ ion has its outermost electrons on the third energy level now and is size is smaller than that of K ion. Hence, K is larger than K+.

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