Which is the lowest caste?

Dalit (from Sanskrit: दलित, romanized: dalita meaning “broken/scattered”, Hindi: दलित, romanized: dalit, same meaning) is a name for people belonging to the lowest caste in India, characterised as “untouchable”.

Which is the first caste?

Vedic varnas

The varnas originated in Vedic society (c. 1500–500 BCE). The first three groups, Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishya have parallels with other Indo-European societies, while the addition of the Shudras is probably a Brahmanical invention from northern India.

Which is the lowest caste in Tamilnadu?

Classification Scheduled Caste
Religions Hinduism
Languages Tamil
Country India, Sri Lanka

Which is the strongest caste?


Next to Brahmans are the Kshatriyas in varna ranking. They comprise very powerful castes as they are traditionally warriors and play a major role in defence.

What is the lowest caste in Nepal?

The Sudra, known as Dalits, were previously considered to be in the lowest caste and part of the so-called “untouchables.” Nepal legally abolished the caste-system and criminalized caste-based discrimination, including “untouchability” – ostracism of a specific caste – in 1963.

Can a Brahmin marry a Shudra?

Manu, Chapter III, verses 12 and 13 recognise that a Brahmin may take a Sudra wife. Then verse 14 says: In no history or chronicles can be found that, even in the time of distress, a Brahmana or a Kshatriya has (lawfully) married a Sudra wife.

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Which country has caste system?

In India, as well as other countries in South Asia like Nepal and Sri Lanka, the caste system has been a large part of society and still remains, though to a lesser extent, to be a part of society.

Which caste is rich in Tamilnadu?

Nadars today

They are financially strong and are politically influential in the Southern districts of Tamil Nadu. A political observer points out that there is a Nadar leader in almost every political party.

Which caste is high in Tamilnadu?

Adi Dravida are numerically the largest SCs with a population of 5,402,755, constituting 45.6 per cent of the state SC population. They are followed by Pallan 2,272,265 (19.2 per cent), Paraiyan 1,860,519 (15.7 per cent), Chakkiliyan 777,139 (6.6 per cent) and Arunthathiyar 771,659 (6.5 per cent).

Are Tamils low caste?

There is no specific and separate caste for Tamil people or people of Tamil Nadu (People whose mother tongue is Tamil). Caste as a social institution divides the Hindus vertically as inferior and superior castes and [forces] them to strictly adhere to certain [arbitrary] rules which are in violation of human rights.

Which caste is top in Hindu?

Brahman, also spelled Brahmin, Sanskrit Brāhmaṇa (“Possessor of Brahma”), highest ranking of the four varnas, or social classes, in Hindu India.

Is Gujjar a low caste?

Today, the Gurjars are classified under the Other Backward Class category in some states in India. However, in Jammu and Kashmir and parts of Himachal Pradesh, they are designated as a Scheduled Tribe under the Indian government’s reservation program of positive discrimination.

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Who are Rao by caste?

Rao is one of the cognate Hindi variations of the (originally Hindu) title Raja(h) (like Rai, Rawal and Rawat), used as equivalent royal style in certain princely states, notably of former British India. This title is also used for Yadavs of Haryana in Northern India.

What caste is Gurung?

The Gurungs are mainly animists or followers of the Bon religion. Their oral text is called Pye (Uthan) and their traditional religion is known as Pye-ta Lhu-ta. The Gurungs later came to adopt Buddhism. Some Gurungs of eastern Nepal have also been influenced by the Hindu religion.

Which caste is highest in Nepal?

Chhetri is the largest caste/ethnic groups having 16.6% (4,398,053) of the total population followed by Brahman-Hill (12.2%; 3,226,903), Magar (7.1% ; 1,887,733), Tharu (6.6% ; 1,737,470), Tamang (5.8% ; 1,539,830), Newar (5% ; 1,321,933), Kami (4.8% ; 1,258,554), Musalman (4.4% ; 1,164,255), Yadav (4% ; 1,054,458) and …

What caste is rasaili?

When Rasaili explained that she was a member of the Dalit community or untouchables, which many judge from a surname, there was an awkward silence.

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