Quick Answer: Which Country Is The Largest Producer Of Rice In 2018?

Leading countries based on the production of milled rice in 2017/2018 (in million metric tons)*

Production in million metric tons
China 148.87
India 112.91
Indonesia 37
Bangladesh 32.65

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Which country is the largest producer of rice?


Where does the US rank in rice production?

More than 100 varieties of rice are commercially produced primarily in six states (Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and California) in the US. Image: The US produces nine million metric tonnes of rice.

Where does most of the world’s rice come from?

Nearly 100 million people depend on the production of rice from rainfed upland regions to provide them with rice to eat as their daily staple food. Almost two-thirds of the world’s total upland rice area is in Asia. Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam are important producers.

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Which countries consume the most rice?

Top 10 Rice Consuming Countries

Rank Country Rice consumption (in 1000 metric tons)
1 China 142,700
2 India 97,350
3 Indonesia 37,400
4 Bangladesh 35,200

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Which country is the largest producer of tea in the world?


Which country is the largest producer of milk in the world?


Which US state grows the most rice?

While now more than 100 varieties of rice are grown in the world, in the US 20 varieties of rice are commercially produced, primarily in the states of Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and California.

What is the world’s oldest country?

San Marino

Which state is first in rice production?

2. Uttar Pradesh. Uttar Pradesh is the second largest rice producing state with almost 5.86 million hectare land under rice cultivation producing about 12.5 million tonnes of rice.

Who exports the most rice?

Below are the 15 countries that exported the highest dollar value worth of rice during 2018.

  • India: US$7.4 billion (30.1% of total rice exports)
  • Thailand: $5.6 billion (22.7%)
  • Vietnam: $2.2 billion (9%)
  • Pakistan: $2 billion (8.2%)
  • United States: $1.7 billion (6.9%)
  • China: $887.3 million (3.6%)

Which country is the largest producer of rubber?

Which country is the largest producer of Rubber in the world? Thailand is the leading Rubber producing country in the world. Thailand is followed Indonesia and China at the second and third place respectively. India stands at fourth position in Rubber production.

Which country produces the most coffee?

Top Coffee Producing Countries of 2019 | Largest Coffee Producers

  1. Top Coffee Producing Countries of 2019 | Largest Producers.
  2. BRAZIL.
  7. INDIA.
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What country eats the most?

According to daily calorie intake, Austria consumes more than any other country, followed by the United States.

Which Country Eats the Most?

Rank Country Average Daily Intake Per Capita (Kilocalories)
1 Austria 3800
2 United States 3750
3 Greece 3710
4 Belgium 3690

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Is Rice the most eaten food in the world?

Rice as food. Rice is the most important food crop of the developing world and the staple food of more than half of the world’s population. Rich in nutrients and vitamins and minerals, it an excellent source of complex carbohydrates. Nine out of every ten people in the world who eat rice are Asian.

Which Indian state is the highest producer of rice?

Uttar Pradesh

Which country is the largest consumer of tea in the world?

China is far and away the largest consumer of tea, at 1.6 billion pounds a year. But per person, as illustrated in the map above, the picture is a lot different: Turkey, Ireland, and the United Kingdom are home to the world’s biggest tea drinkers.

Which country is the largest producer of tomatoes in the world?


Which country is the largest producer of gold in the world?


What country eats the most dairy?

Countries Who Drink the Most Milk

  • Finland. The 2007 milk consumption per capita in Finland was 361.19kgs, with milk consumption per person at about 34.34 gallons per year.
  • Sweden. The average milk consumption per capita among Sweden’s population was 355.86kgs in 2007.
  • The Netherlands.

Which country is the first in milk production?

India is the world’s largest milk producer, with 21 percent of global production, followed by the United States of America, China, Pakistan and Brazil. Since the 1970s, most of the expansion in milk production has been in South Asia, which is the main driver of milk production growth in the developing world.

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Which country eats the most eggs?

Countries That Consume the Most Eggs

  1. Japan. Japan consumes more eggs than anywhere else in the world.
  2. Paraguay. The average Paraguayan citizen eats approximately 309 eggs annually.
  3. China. Eggs are an essential source of protein in Chinese households where the average person eats roughly 300 eggs per year.
  4. Mexico.

Photo in the article by “Wikipedia” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice

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