Which Animal Has The Longest Spine?

Greenland shark

What animal has survived the longest?

Top 10 Longest Living Animals

  • Greenland Shark.
  • Bowhead Whale.
  • Galapagos Giant Tortoise.
  • African Elephant.
  • Macaw.
  • Long Finned Eel.
  • Koi Fish. Koi usually live for 25-30 years but there are reports of koi that have reached ages of over 200 years old!
  • Red Sea Urchin. Red sea urchins are believed to be almost immortal.

What are the 5 types of vertebrates?

The five most well known classes of vertebrates (animals with backbones) are mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians. They are all part of the phylum chordata — I remember “chordata” by thinking of spinal chord.

Can turtles live up to 500 years?

For example, a typical pet turtle can live between 10-80 years or so while larger species can easily live over 100 years. It is difficult to measure the age since it takes centuries, some guess that some turtles could be around 400 to 500 years old.

What reptile lives the longest?


What animals are immortal?

Ever-growing lobsters. There is a debate among the scientific community whether these red ocean dwellers are biologically immortal animals; a common cause of death is disease, not old age, and unlike other animals, lobsters grow and reproduce until they die.

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What animal has the shortest life span?

1.Mayflies, 24 hours : Mayflies have the shortest lifespan on Earth. Their life lasting only for 24 hours. Mayflies also called as ‘one-day insects’ because of their shortest life span. There are 2500 different species of mayflies in the world.

What are the 6 classes of animals?

To keep them simple and easier to remember, the scientists had identify many groups of animals. The six main groups are: invertebrates, mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish.

Is a bird an animal yes or no?

Biologically, an animal is a living thing that is not a human being or plant. A bird is classified in kingdom animalia meaning it is also an animal. Despite the fact that birds are animals, they have unique anatomic and physiological characteristics that distinguish them from the rest of the animals.

What are the 4 types of animals?

There are four basic types of reptiles: crocodiles and alligators, turtles and tortoises, snakes, and lizards.

Can sharks die of old age?

In captivity, whale sharks are not comfortable, and in a few cases they have died within days, but at most, they have reached only eight years. The lifespan of Tiger Sharks in the wild is believed to be 27 years in average, although some may live up to 50 years of age.

Do turtles die of old age?

CLAIM: Turtles never die of old age. ANSWER: TRUE. Turtles exhibit what is known as ‘negligible senescence.’ In other words, unlike humans, they do not continue to age once their bodies reach maturity.

What is the oldest species on Earth?

Here the list of top 10 oldest animal species on Earth.

  1. 7 Sturgeon – 200 million years old.
  2. 6 Coelacanath – 360 million years old.
  3. 5 Horseshoe Crab – 445 million years old.
  4. 4 Nautilus – 500 million years old.
  5. 3 Jelly Fish – 550 Million years old.
  6. 2 Sponge – 580 million years old.
  7. 1 Cyanobacteria – 2.8 billion years old.

Which animal dies after drinking water?

The kangaroo rat never has to drink water—it just gets it from the seeds it eats. To survive in the dry climes of the American West, its kidneys generate super-concentrated urine, and it doesn’t pant or sweat. Some species can even lower their metabolic rates so they lose less moisture through breathing.

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Do crocodiles live forever?

Back to Crocs. Crocodiles have no such thing as old age. A 7-year-old crocodile is as good as a 70-year-old one in terms of agility and other life parameters. Although they can’t die of natural aging, they also can’t live forever.

What is the shortest living animal?

Shortest Living Animals In The World

  • Mayfly. The shortest living animal on Earth has a lifespan of only 24 hours and completes its life cycle within one day of its birth.
  • Gastrotrich. This tiny marine organism has a lifespan of 3 days and most of this time is spent swimming along the currents.
  • Drone Ant.
  • House fly.
  • Dragonfly.
  • House Mouse.
  • Chameleon.
  • Mosquitofish.

Can lobsters feel pain?

A new animal protection law in Switzerland requires that lobsters be stunned before being cooked. Animal rights activists and some scientists argue that lobsters’ central nervous systems are complex enough that they can feel pain. There is no conclusive evidence about whether lobsters can feel pain.

Which animal does not die?

Because the jellyfish can repeat this process indefinitely, Turritopsis nutricula will never die from aging, ever. That doesn’t mean the jellyfish can’t be killed, however. It’s still susceptible to physical injuries, disease and predators like anything else.

What animals never sleep?

10 Animals That Don’t Sleep

  1. Horses.
  2. Ostriches.
  3. Deer.
  4. Alpine Swifts.
  5. Elephants.
  6. Bullfrogs.
  7. Dolphins. Generally, dolphins go to sleep with only one side of their brain so that they use the other side of their brain for swimming and to watch out for predators.
  8. Giraffes. Giraffes usually sleep, although not for long periods.

What animal has the shortest pregnancy?


What only lives for a day?

Mayflies also called as ‘one-day insects’ because of their shortest life span. There are 2500 different species of mayflies in the world. In fact, some members of mayfly family die within few hours. So mayflies spend most of their lifetime as nymphs.

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What’s the longest living insect?

There’s at least one species of long-horned beetle that beats out the cicada with its ability to survive in its larval form in dead wood for thirty-five to fifty years. But the insect with the longest life span, as far as we know, is the African mound-building termite queen.

What are the 5 characteristics of animals?

The set of characteristics provided by Audesirk and Audesirk are:

  • Animals are multicellular.
  • Animals are heterotrophic, obtaining their energy by consuming energy-releasing food substances.
  • Animals typically reproduce sexually.
  • Animals are made up of cells that do not have cell walls.

What are the 5 classifications of animals?

There are many different classes of vertebrate, but the 5 most well known ones are the fish, birds, amphibians, mammals, reptiles. Each class has different characteristics that defines them.

Why can’t an ant get as big as an elephant?

An ant the size of an elephant, however, would need to get blood up to the tissues at the top of its body. This is why elephants not only have larger bones than mice, they have *relatively* larger bones too — an elephant shrunk down to the same volume as a mouse would have thicker bones than the mouse does.

Are Crocodiles older than alligators?

Alligators and crocodiles are from the same scientific order, but from different families. They are both members of the Crocodylia, but crocodiles are from the Crocodylidae family, while alligators come from the Alligatordae family.

Are coelacanths still alive?

Coelacanths were thought to be extinct until a live one was caught in 1938. Coelacanths were known only from fossils until a live Latimeria chalumnae was discovered off the coast of South Africa in 1938. Until then, they were presumed to have gone extinct in the late Cretaceous period, over 65 million years ago.

What animal has no natural predators?

They have no predators in the ocean. They only hunt by humans. Killer whales are called so because this powerful predator hunt large ocean creatures such as seals, dolphins, sharks and even other whales.

Photo in the article by “Mount Pleasant Granary” http://mountpleasantgranary.net/blog/index.php?m=01&y=15

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