What was the largest sturgeon speared in Wisconsin?

The heaviest sturgeon speared on record in the Lake Winnebago system weighed 212.2 pounds, caught by Ronald Grishaber in 2010. The second heaviest was only 188 pounds, snagged in 2004. By comparison, the average weight and length from the 2020 harvest in Lake Winnebago was 51.1 pounds and 58.5 inches.

What is the state record for Wisconsin sturgeon spearing?

Eiden speared a whopper of a fish less than two hours after the start time of the opening day. In fact, he landed the longest sturgeon ever speared in Wisconsin. Eiden’s fish went an astonishing 85.5 inches from snout to tail.

What is the largest sturgeon on record?

The largest sturgeon on record was a beluga female captured in the Volga estuary in 1827, measuring 7.2 m (24 ft) long and weighing 1,571 kg (3,463 lb). Most sturgeons are anadromous bottom-feeders, which migrate upstream to spawn, but spend most of their lives feeding in river deltas and estuaries.

What is the sturgeon limit in Wisconsin?

The minimum length limit for lake sturgeon harvest is 60 inches.

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What kind of sturgeon are in Lake Winnebago?

The Lake Winnebago System, in east central Wisconsin, is home to one of the largest self sustaining stocks of lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens Rafinesque, in North America.

What is the biggest fish ever caught in Wisconsin?

On Sept. 16, 1933, Anthony Brothers landed an 18-pound walleye while fishing on High Lake in Vilas County. The whopper is Wisconsin’s biggest ever for the prized-sport species.

What is the biggest fish caught in Wisconsin?

Fishing Wisconsin

Species Weight Place Caught
Burbot 18 lbs. 2oz. Lake Superior
Carp, Bighead 38 lbs. 12 oz. Wisconsin River
Carp, Common 57 lbs. 2 oz. Lake Wisconsin
Carpsucker, Quillback 9 lbs. 15.8 oz. Wolf River

Can a sturgeon kill you?

Unlike sharks – who are natural predators and attack their prey, sturgeon aren’t aggressive. Strikes are simply accidental collisions. But sturgeon can grow to 11 feet and weigh over 1,000 pounds, so a strike is like being hit by a truck.

What is the oldest sturgeon ever?

The oldest lake sturgeon on record was 152 years old! As adults, we are 3 to 9 feet in length and weigh 10 to 80 pounds. The largest of us on record weighed 310 pounds.

How old is a 6 foot sturgeon?

A 3 foot sturgeon is 8 years old; a 4 foot sturgeon is 12 years old; a 5 foot sturgeon is 17 years old and 6 foot sturgeon is 23 years old. Historically the size of white sturgeon exceeded the spectacular reaching 20 feet in length weighing more than 1500 pounds and living longer than 100 years of age.

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It is illegal to fish for, catch, or keep sturgeon.

Is Sturgeon good to eat?

Sturgeon has a refined flavor and consistency. That charm is why eating it raw is the best way to eat it. You can enjoy the charm of the fish meat by eating it as sashimi, sushi and marinading it. Even when boiled, you can enjoy the tender texture of sturgeon.

Why is it illegal to catch sturgeon?

Sturgeons are highly vulnerable to illegal fishing because they begin breeding relatively late, at about age 15, and they spawn infrequently—only every two to seven years. If populations are depleted, recovery is slow.

How old is a 50 inch sturgeon?

A 40-inch sturgeon would be approximately 13 years old and a 50-inch fish, 20 years.

Does Sturgeon taste good?

Farmed white sturgeon has a mild, delicate flavor, less pronounced than that of green sturgeon. The lean flesh is firm and meaty, similar in texture to chicken breast or veal. Raw sturgeon is pale pink and cooks up white. … Sturgeon is a good fish for meat or chicken eaters because of its solid texture.

Are sturgeons dangerous?

Although not intentionally dangerous to humans, the gulf sturgeon has developed quite the reputation as being a “flying” fish in the Suwannee River in Florida. There are incidents of the gulf sturgeon leaping out of the water and injuring boaters.

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