What should be added to 999 to get the smallest 4 digit number?

If 1 is added to 999 (greatest 3-digit number), we get 1000 (smallest 4-digit number). If 1 is added to 9999 (greatest 4-digit number).

How do you find the smallest 4 digit number?

So,1152 is the smallest 4 digit number.

What should be added to 902.57 to get the smallest 4 digit number?

The smallest 4-digit number using only one digit is 1111.


  • Hence the required sum is.
  • = 1111 + 9999.
  • = 11110.

How do you get the smallest 4 digit number from the greatest 3 digit number?

The greatest 3-digit number = 999. So, we say that we have 900 three-digit numbers. (d) The smallest 4-digit number = 1000.

What is the smallest 4 digit number with all four different digits?

Solution : The condition for a 4 digit number of four different digits is that 5 is always at its tens place. The greatest 4 digit number will be 9857 and the smallest 4 digit number will be 1052. Want to top your mathematics exam ?

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Which is the smallest whole number?

The smallest whole number is “0” (ZERO).

What is the greatest 4 digit number?

the greatest four-digit number is 9999.

What should be added to the greatest 4 digit number?

If 1 is added to 9999 (greatest 4-digit number). 1-digit numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

What is the greatest 4 digit even number?

Answer. Answer: 9998 is the right answer.

How do you add 4 numbers?

The rules for addition of 4-digit numbers with other numbers are the same as that for the numbers having less digits. Add ones i.e., 6 + 4 = 10. Write 0 below in ones column and carrying 1 into the tens column. Add tens i.e., 1 + 7 + 5 = 13.

What is the smallest 4 digit number without any digit repeated?

Answer. Largest 4 digit number in which no digit is repeated is => 9876. Smallest 4 digit number in which no digit is repeated is => 1023.

What is greatest and smallest number?

Thus, the greatest number is 8741. To get the smallest number, the smallest digit 1 is placed at thousands-place, next greater digit 4 at hundred’s place, still greater digit 7 at ten’s place and greatest digit 8 at one’s or units place. Thus, the smallest number is 1478.

What is the smallest 4 digit even number?

The smallest 4-digit number is 1000 but if we divide it by the number 2 , it is completely divisible and leaves behind no remainder.

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