What is your greatest achievement in school?

What is your greatest achievement answer?

How to Choose Your Greatest Achievement for Interviews:

  • Pick something that’s as recent as possible, and somewhat relevant to this job or your career. I realize this isn’t always possible. …
  • Pick a professional achievement even if they don’t specifically ask for one.

What is the greatest achievement in school?

Some examples of accomplishments are:

  • Scholarships.
  • Honor Roll inclusion for high grades.
  • Awards won for specific activities or subjects (i.e., Most Valuable Player (MVP), Fine Art Award)
  • Inclusion in student-related achievement publications (i.e., Who’s Who in American High Schools)
  • Perfect attendance awards.

29 янв. 2018 г.

What is your greatest achievement for fresh graduate?

Greatest professional achievement examples

  • Sales or revenue increases you have achieved.
  • Any job promotions.
  • Examples of when you have gone above and beyond what was asked of you.
  • Time or money you saved for the company.
  • Industry or work-related awards.

16 нояб. 2017 г.

What is your academic achievement?

Academic achievement describes academic outcomes that indicate the extent to which a student has achieved their learning goals. Academic achievement may refer to completing educational benchmarks such as a bachelor’s degree. Academic achievement is often measured through examinations or continuous assessments.

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How do you talk about achievements examples?

Here you can add about the things, including:

  1. Recently won accolades at the college/workplace.
  2. Recognition gained from a co-worker or a senior or client.
  3. Academic excellence.
  4. Faculty’s recommendation.
  5. Volunteering experience.
  6. Accomplishments during the internship.
  7. Earning a degree/certifications.

29 сент. 2020 г.

What is your proudest achievement?

2answers. You describe your proudest achievement in an interview by talking about the skills you used that helped you reach the achievement, as well as the positive outcome tied to the achievement. … Do not make it sound like there’s nothing you’re really proud of if you are asked this question in an interview.

Why is achievement so important?

People with a strong sense of purpose, persistence and accomplishment perform better at work. … A person who can align a task to their sense of meaning is much more likely to complete it. Achieving something that feels important has greater wellbeing benefits than accomplishing a task with no personal value.

What are the four factors of student achievement?

Research has shown that the top four factors that impact student achievement are: classroom management, teaching for learning, home and parent involvement, and believing that all students can learn. Most things in life are pretty simple, but they are usually not easy.

What are personal achievements?

A personal achievement is an attribute that provides an individual with a sense of pride. This can originate from many different sources. The type of charitable work that people choose is unique and reflects what they consider important. A charitable achievement is spiritually rewarding.

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How do you write achievement?

List of achievements

  1. Re-organized something to make it work better.
  2. Identified a problem and solved it.
  3. Come up with a new idea that improved things.
  4. Developed or implemented new procedures or systems.
  5. Worked on special projects.
  6. Received awards.
  7. Been complimented by your supervisor or co-workers.

What is your greatest achievement outside of work?

Choose something that you’ve done in the last 5 years. Emphasize how the experience will help you be a good employee. Include your motivation for accomplishing your goal. Highlight qualities such as tenacity, focus and positive attitude.

How do you answer what makes you unique?

How to answer, ‘What makes you unique? ‘

  1. Consider the position and the company. Before any interview, you should always research the company and study the job description. …
  2. Ask for feedback. …
  3. Evaluate your background. …
  4. Choose specific skills and traits. …
  5. Relate it back to the role.

What are your achievements examples?

‘My greatest achievement’ examples could include:

  • Giving a great presentation at work.
  • Beating sales targets.
  • Training for and completing a marathon.
  • Organizing a successful charity event.
  • Mentoring a coworker or fellow student.

What are the factors affecting achievement in school?

Factors that Influence Students’ Motivation in Education

  • Class and Curriculum Structure. …
  • Teacher Behavior and Personality. …
  • Teaching Methods. …
  • Parental Habits and Involvement. …
  • Family Issues and Instability. …
  • Peer Relationships. …
  • Learning Environment. …
  • Assessment.

21 апр. 2020 г.

What is academic achievement motivation?

Academic motivation is the attitudes towards school and learning enthusiasm for academic achievement. Academic motivation involves measuring items such as work habits and scholastic expectation. Achievement motivation plays an important role to achieve educational goals of the students.

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