What is your biggest achievement for fresher?

What is your greatest achievement answer?

How to Choose Your Greatest Achievement for Interviews:

  • Pick something that’s as recent as possible, and somewhat relevant to this job or your career. I realize this isn’t always possible. …
  • Pick a professional achievement even if they don’t specifically ask for one.

What is your greatest achievement sample answer for freshers?

‘My greatest achievement’ examples could include:

  • Giving a great presentation at work.
  • Beating sales targets.
  • Training for and completing a marathon.
  • Organizing a successful charity event.
  • Mentoring a coworker or fellow student.

What is your achievement in your job?

List of achievements

  • Re-organized something to make it work better.
  • Identified a problem and solved it.
  • Come up with a new idea that improved things.
  • Developed or implemented new procedures or systems.
  • Worked on special projects.
  • Received awards.
  • Been complimented by your supervisor or co-workers.

What is your greatest achievement in school?

Some examples of accomplishments are:

  • Scholarships.
  • Honor Roll inclusion for high grades.
  • Awards won for specific activities or subjects (i.e., Most Valuable Player (MVP), Fine Art Award)
  • Inclusion in student-related achievement publications (i.e., Who’s Who in American High Schools)
  • Perfect attendance awards.
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29 янв. 2018 г.

What are some achievements in life?

  • Being able to pursue interesting, high-quality work that has a positive impact. …
  • Securing awards, promotions and other acknowledgements of achievement. …
  • Maintaining a happy and healthy family life as well as a career. …
  • Handling challenge, complexity and change. …
  • Exercising leadership, authority and influence.

What can you contribute to our company?

I can contribute my organizational skills and my ability to work well in a group. I have the experience, contacts, and knowledge to contribute to the rapid growth of this business • Vision. I am experienced in the areas this company needs to grow, and my ability to plan ahead will help facilitate that growth.

What are the two greatest achievements in life?

The two greatest achievements in life are:

  1. Being birth.
  2. To know your purpose in this world. jd3sp4o0y and 118 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 81. 4.0. (37 votes) Log in to add comment.

21 июн. 2018 г.

What are your strengths?

Common strengths include leadership, communication, or writing skills. Common weaknesses include a fear of public speaking, lack of experience with software or a program, or difficulty with taking criticism.

How do you talk about achievements examples?

Here you can add about the things, including:

  1. Recently won accolades at the college/workplace.
  2. Recognition gained from a co-worker or a senior or client.
  3. Academic excellence.
  4. Faculty’s recommendation.
  5. Volunteering experience.
  6. Accomplishments during the internship.
  7. Earning a degree/certifications.

29 сент. 2020 г.

How would you describe yourself?

How to answer, “How would you describe yourself?”

  • I am passionate about my work.
  • I am ambitious and driven.
  • I am highly organized.
  • I’m a people-person.
  • I’m a natural leader.
  • I am results-oriented.
  • I am an excellent communicator.
  • Words to describe your work style:
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23 нояб. 2020 г.

What are personal achievements examples?

Personal accomplishments can be many things, including:

  • Awards.
  • Promotions.
  • Trained/Educated others.
  • Completed important projects on time and within budget.
  • Increased sales figures (by such-and-such %)
  • Saved time by coming up with efficient methods and tools.
  • Qualifications gained.
  • Good results in examinations and tests.

26 окт. 2019 г.

What are your salary expectations?

Choose a salary range.

Rather than offering a set number of the salary you expect, provide the employer with a range in which you’d like your salary to fall. Try to keep your range tight rather than very wide. For example, if you want to make $75,000 a year, a good range to offer would be $73,000 to $80,000.

Why is achievement so important?

Achievement gives us such an incredible sense of satisfaction that it’s possible for us to have set a goal, taken steps towards it and actually done what we set out to do. We can therefore hold our head up high and smile at those who doubted our ability. … A good teacher will adjust goals to different levels.

What is an achievement?

1 : the act of achieving something the achievement of an ambition. 2a : a result gained by effort : accomplishment being honored for her academic achievements a major scientific achievement.

What is your academic achievement?

Academic achievement describes academic outcomes that indicate the extent to which a student has achieved their learning goals. Academic achievement may refer to completing educational benchmarks such as a bachelor’s degree. Academic achievement is often measured through examinations or continuous assessments.

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