What is the most famous trench?

Mariana Trench, also called Marianas Trench, deep-sea trench in the floor of the western North Pacific Ocean, the deepest such trench known on Earth, located mostly east as well as south of the Mariana Islands.

What is the deepest known trench?

The Mariana Trench, in the Pacific Ocean, is the deepest location on Earth.

What are the 5 deepest trenches in the world?

The Five Deeps Expedition was the first to reach the deepest point in each of the Earth’s five oceans: the Puerto Rico Trench in the Atlantic, South Sandwich Trench in the Southern Ocean, Java Trench in the Indian Ocean, Challenger Deep in the Pacific and Molloy Deep in the Arctic.

What is the longest trench?

The longest trench is the Peru-Chile Trench, which extends some 5,900 km (about 3,700 miles) along the west coast of South America.

What is the second deepest trench in the world?

The Tonga Trench is an oceanic trench located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It is the deepest trench in the Southern hemisphere and the second deepest on Earth. The fastest plate-tectonic velocity on Earth is occurring at this location, as the Pacific Plate is being subducted westward in the trench.

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Is there a monster in the Mariana Trench?

A second prehistoric monster that may have well lived in the Mariana Trench is this giant marine Mosasaur known as hainosaurus, which scientists think grew up to 12 meters long – about the same length as an average megalodon.

Why is Mariana trench so deep?

Why is the ocean so deep here? The Mariana Trench is located at a convergent plate boundary. Here two converging plates of oceanic lithosphere collide with one another. At this collision point, one of the plates descends into the mantle.

What is the shallowest ocean?

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest of the world’s five major oceans.

What is the deepest point in the ocean?

Challenger Deep

What are the 3 deepest ocean trenches?

Deepest oceanic trenches

Trench Ocean Maximum Depth
Mariana Trench Pacific Ocean 10,984 m (36,037 ft)
Tonga Trench Pacific Ocean 10,882 m (35,702 ft)
Philippine Trench Pacific Ocean 10,545 m (34,596 ft)
Kuril–Kamchatka Trench Pacific Ocean 10,542 m (34,587 ft)

What animals live in Mariana Trench?


  • Dumbo Octopus.
  • Deep-sea Dragonfish.
  • Barreleye Fish.
  • Benthocodon.
  • Seadevil Anglerfish.
  • Goblin Shark.
  • Deep-sea Hatchetfish.
  • Frilled Shark.

What would happen to your body in the Mariana Trench?

The pressure from the water would push in on the person’s body, causing any space that’s filled with air to collapse. (The air would be compressed.) So, the lungs would collapse.

Has a megalodon been found in the Mariana Trench?

‘No. It’s definitely not alive in the deep oceans, despite what the Discovery Channel has said in the past,’ notes Emma. ‘If an animal as big as megalodon still lived in the oceans we would know about it. ‘

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Which ocean has the most trenches?

Trenches are long, narrow and very deep and, while most are in the Pacific Ocean, can be found around the world. The deepest trench in the world, the Mariana Trench located near the Mariana Islands, is 1,580 miles long and averages just 43 miles wide.

Which is the deepest lake in the world?

Lake Baikal (5,315 feet [1,620 meters])

Lake Baikal, in Siberia, holds the distinction of being both the deepest lake in the world and the largest freshwater lake, holding more than 20% of the unfrozen fresh water on the surface of Earth.

What is the third deepest trench?

Philippine Trench

The third deepest point in the world, the Galathea Depth in the Philippine trench is 10.54 km below sea level. Also known as Mindanao Trench, this submarine trench is located in the Philippine Sea, spreads in a length of 1,320km and 30km width in the east of Philippines.

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