What is the largest in South America?

Area in square kilometers
Brazil 8,515,770
Argentina 2,780,400
Peru 1,285,216
Colombia 1,138,910

What are the 5 largest countries in Latin America?

Based on land area, Brazil is the largest country in Latin America by far, with a total area of over 8.5 million square kilometers.

Largest countries in Latin America, by total area (in square kilometers)

Area in square kilometers
Brazil 8,515,770
Argentina 2,780,400
Mexico 1,964,375
Peru 1,285,216

Is Venezuela the largest country in South America?

What are the largest countries in South America? Here is a list of the largest countries in square miles: … Venezuela (353,748 square miles) Chile (291,855 square miles)

Is Brazil bigger than the rest of South America?

Brazil. This massive country is by far the largest in South America, and it is also the only country on the continent where Portuguese is the predominant language, as opposed to Spanish, which is spoken in most other South American nations.

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What is the biggest capital city in South America?

Caracas, named officially as Santiago de León de Caracas, is the capital of Venezuela and the country’s largest city.

Venezuela – Caracas.

Country Capital
Argentina Buenos Aires
Bolivia Sucre
Brazil Brasília
Chile Santiago

Is Canada a Latin American country?

It includes more than 20 nations: Mexico in North America; Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama in Central America; Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, French Guiana, Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay in South America; Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico in the …

What is the smallest country in Latin America?

South American Countries Ranked Smallest to Largest

Rank Country Area (km²)
1 Suriname 163,820
2 Uruguay 181,034
3 Guyana 214,969
4 Ecuador 276,841

Is South America bigger than USA?

South America is 95% larger than United States.

Which is the best South American country?

Safest Countries in South America: Ranked

  • Venezuela. Venezuela for a long time has had the reputation of being one of the most physically beautiful and culturally warm countries in all of South America. …
  • Colombia. Colombia’s ascension from the cellar of safety has been well documented and inspiring. …
  • Guyana. …
  • Brazil. …
  • Suriname. …
  • Peru. …
  • French Guiana. …
  • Bolivia.

15 февр. 2019 г.

What’s the smallest country in the world?

Based on landmass, Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, measuring just 0.2 square miles, almost 120 times smaller than the island of Manhattan. Situated on the western bank of the Tiber River, Vatican City’s 2-mile border is landlocked by Italy.

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Is Brazil or us bigger?

Brazil is around the same size as United States.

United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km, while Brazil is approximately 8,515,770 sq km, making Brazil 86.6% the size of United States. Meanwhile, the population of United States is ~332.6 million people (120.9 million fewer people live in Brazil).

Is Canada bigger than the US?

Every country’s total area is split into land area and water area, and that’s where you can see that Canada is behind the USA in land area, with 9.094 million square kilometers to the USA’s 9.148 million square kilometers.

Is Colombia bigger than Peru?

Colombia is approximately 1,138,910 sq km, while Peru is approximately 1,285,216 sq km, making Peru 13% larger than Colombia. Meanwhile, the population of Colombia is ~49.1 million people (17.2 million fewer people live in Peru).

Which South American country has 2 capitals?

Spoken languages are Spanish (official), Aymara, Quechua, Guaraní and 34 other native languages. Bolivia is one of the few states in the world with two capitals: La Paz (officially: Nuestra Señora de La Paz) is the seat of the government, and Sucre the legal capital and the seat of the judiciary.

What is the smallest city in South America?

The smallest city in South America is Tumaco in Colombia, with just 86,713 residents.

Which country in Latin America has the most oil?

In 2019, Brazil was the leading country in total production of petroleum in Latin America and the Caribbean, with more than 3.6 million barrels of crude oil, natural gas plant liquids (NGPL), and other related liquids produced per day.

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