What is the highest number there?

What is the largest known number in the world?

The biggest number referred to regularly is a googolplex (10googol), which works out as 1010^100.

What is the last known number?

A googol is the large number 10100. In decimal notation, it is written as the digit 1 followed by one hundred zeroes: 10,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000,​000.

What is the number 1000000000000000000000000?

Some Very Big, and Very Small Numbers

Name The Number Prefix
septillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 yotta
sextillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 zetta
quintillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 exa
quadrillion 1,000,000,000,000,000 peta

What is the smallest number in the world?

1 : The smallest natural number(i.e. positive integer) is 1. 2 : The smallest whole number is 0.

What is the last number a human can count?

That’s right—the highest number a single human has ever counted to is a nice, even one million. Harper still holds the record for the highest number counted out loud by one person. According to todayifoundout.com, he counted for about 16 hours every day, without taking a day off, leaving his apartment, or even shaving.

How many zeros are in a gazillion?

Etymology of Gaz

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Therefore a Gazillion has (28819 x 3) zeros and a Gazillion is…

What is the number with 1000 zeros?

Numbers Bigger Than a Trillion

Name Number of Zeros Groups of (3) Zeros
Thousand 3 1 (1,000)
Ten thousand 4 (10,000)
Hundred thousand 5 (100,000)
Million 6 2 (1,000,000)

WHAT IS A zillion?

A zillion is a huge but nonspecific number. … Zillion sounds like an actual number because of its similarity to billion, million, and trillion, and it is modeled on these real numerical values. However, like its cousin jillion, zillion is an informal way to talk about a number that’s enormous but indefinite.

How many zeros are in a bajillion?

“Oh, a bajillion has 42 zeroes, then I mean a bajillion and 1, that must be bigger!”

How many zeros are in a Millinillion?

It’s the second smallest number Anson explained. A millinillion is 1 followed by 3003 zeros.

What is greatest and smallest number?

Thus, the greatest number is 8741. To get the smallest number, the smallest digit 1 is placed at thousands-place, next greater digit 4 at hundred’s place, still greater digit 7 at ten’s place and greatest digit 8 at one’s or units place. Thus, the smallest number is 1478.

What is the smallest negative number in the world?

The smallest negative number is a 1 followed by 31 zeros which is interpreted as −231.

Which is the smallest natural number?

The smallest natural number is 1. It is not possible to write the greatest natural number because natural numbers go up to infinity.

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