What is the highest level of biodiversity?

#1: Brazil. Brazil is the Earth’s biodiversity champion. Between the Amazon rainforest and Mata Atlantica forest, the woody savana-like cerrado, the massive inland swamp known as the Pantanal, and a range of other terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, Brazil leads the world in plant and amphibian species counts.

Where is the highest level of biodiversity?

Summary: Amazonia represents the quintessence of biodiversity – the richest ecosystem on earth. Yet a study by Smithsonian scientists, published this week in the journal Science, shows that differences in species composition of tropical forests are greater over distance in Panama than in Amazonia.

What are the 4 levels of biodiversity?

Four Types of Biodiversity

  • Species Diversity. Every ecosystem contains a unique collection of species, all interacting with each other. …
  • Genetic Diversity. Genetic diversity describes how closely related the members of one species are in a given ecosystem. …
  • Ecosystem Diversity. …
  • Functional Diversity.

9 мар. 2018 г.

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What are the 3 main levels of biodiversity?

Usually three levels of biodiversity are discussed—genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity. Genetic diversity is all the different genes contained in all individual plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms. It occurs within a species as well as between species.

What is the greatest biodiversity?

The area on Earth considered to have the greatest biodiversity is the Tropical Andes region covering 1,258,000 km² (485,716 miles²) and running through Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and a small area of northern Argentina.

Which country supports almost 10% of biodiversity on the earth?

Being one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, South Africa contains nearly 10 % of all known species of fish, birds and plants.

What is the major law that protects biodiversity?

The Endangered Species Act is the strongest law for protecting biodiversity passed by any nation. Its purpose is to prevent the extinction of our most at-risk plants and animals, increase their numbers and effect their full recovery — and eventually their removal from the endangered list.

What are the major threats to biodiversity?

Five main threats to biodiversity are commonly recognized in the programmes of work of the Convention: invasive alien species, climate change, nutrient loading and pollution, habitat change, and overexploitation.

How do humans benefit from biodiversity?

Biodiversity plays a crucial role in human nutrition through its influence on world food production, as it ensures the sustainable productivity of soils and provides the genetic resources for all crops, livestock, and marine species harvested for food.

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What are examples of biodiversity?

Most people recognize biodiversity by species—a group of individual living organisms that can interbreed. Examples of species include blue whales, white-tailed deer, white pine trees, sunflowers, and microscopic bacteria that can’t even be seen by the naked eye.

What are the 5 major causes of biodiversity loss?

Species extinction.

  • Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: A habitat is the place where a plant or animal naturally lives. …
  • Over-exploitation for Commercialization: ADVERTISEMENTS: …
  • Invasive Species: …
  • Pollution: …
  • Global Climate Change: …
  • Population Growth and Over-consumption: …
  • Illegal Wildlife Trade: …
  • Species extinction:

What is the number one cause of biodiversity loss?

1. Habitat destruction. Habitat destruction is a major cause of biodiversity loss. Habitat loss is caused by deforestation, overpopulation, pollution, and global warming.

What are the elements of biodiversity?

Three components of biodiversity are ecosystem, species and genetic diversity. Ecosystems perform functions that are essential to human existence such as oxygen and soil production and water purification.

Which country is rich in biodiversity?

Brazil is the Earth’s biodiversity champion. Between the Amazon rainforest and Mata Atlantica forest, the woody savana-like cerrado, the massive inland swamp known as the Pantanal, and a range of other terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, Brazil leads the world in plant and amphibian species counts.

Which country has the least biodiversity?

A new analysis looking into how much biodiversity is left in different countries around the world has shown that the UK has some of the lowest amounts of biodiversity remaining.

What is the most megadiverse country?

The most megadiverse country in the world is Brazil due mainly to the presence of the Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon has the most diverse plant and animal life on the planet, with many different life forms not being present anywhere else on earth.

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