What is the difference between smallest 5 digit number and greatest 4 digit number?

The greatest 5 digit number is 76521. The greatest 4 digit number is 7652. ∴ Difference of two numbers =76521-7652=68869.

What is the difference between the greatest and smallest 5 digit number?

The greatest 5-digit number is 99,999. The smallest 5-digit number is 10,000. … Their difference is 99,999−10,000=89,999.

What is the difference between the greatest and the smallest 4 digit number?

Find the difference between the greatest and the smallest four-digit numbers formed by using all the digits 8, 6, 7 and 4. … The smallest 4-digit number formed with the given digits is 4678. ∴ The difference between the two numbers. 8764-4678 = 4086.

What is the difference between the greatest number and the smallest number?

The greatest number formed is 95410. Ascending order 0 < 1 < 5 < 5 < 9. A number cannot begin with 0, so we will put it in the second place. The smallest digit (other than 0) is 1.

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What is the difference of the smallest 6 digit number and the greatest 4 digit number?

We know that the smallest 6 digit number is 100000 and the greatest 4 digit number is 9999. Therefore, we get 90001 as the difference of the smallest 6 digit number and the greatest 4 digit number.

What is a greatest 5 digit number?

Five Digit Numbers

The smallest five-digit number is 10000 and the greatest five-digit number is 99999.

What is the 6 digit smallest number?

(iv) On adding one to the largest five digit number, we get 100000 which is the smallest six digit number.

What is the greatest 4 digit number?

the greatest four-digit number is 9999.

Which is the smallest whole number?

The smallest whole number is “0” (ZERO).

Which is the smallest number?

0 is the smallest whole number. 1 is the smallest natural number.

Thank you.

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What is the smallest negative number?

The smallest negative number is a 1 followed by 31 zeros which is interpreted as −231. Because twos’ complement is essentially arithmetic modulo 232, it would be equally logical to interpret it as 231. The negative value is chosen so that the negative integers are precisely those with a 1 as the most significant bit.

What is the greatest number in the world?

Googol. It is a large number, unimaginably large. It is easy to write in exponential format: 10100, an extremely compact method, to easily represent the largest numbers (and also the smallest numbers).

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What is the smallest prime number?

The first 1000 prime numbers

1 13
1–20 2 41
21–40 73 137
41–60 179 241
61–80 283 367

What is the greatest number of 6 digit?

Starting from the greatest 6 – digit number, write the previous five numbers in descending order.

  • Hint: Descending order is arrangement of numbers from largest to smallest.
  • Example 100, 45, 22, 18, 2 are in descending order.
  • As you know the greatest 6 – digit number is 999999.

How many 6 digit numbers are there in all?

∴ there are 900,000 6-digit numbers in all.

Which is largest 6 digit number?

The largest 6 digit number with one digit, is the largest 6 digit number itself, which is 999,999.

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