What is the coldest month in Singapore?

A lot of rain (rainy season) falls in the month of: January, March, April, May, July, September, October, November and December. The warmest month is April with an average maximum temperature of 32°C (89°F). The coldest month is January with an average maximum temperature of 30°C (86°F).

What’s the coldest month in Singapore?

The average temperature is between 25 degrees Celsius and 31 degrees Celsius. Thunderstorms occur on 40% of all days. Relative humidity is in the range of 70% – 80%. April is the warmest month, January is the coolest month and November is the wettest month.

Does Singapore ever get cold?

There is no coldest time in SIN, it`s almost on equator, the temperature is pretty the same 365 days a year. … The coldest temperature ever recorded in Singapore was 19.4C – the temperature pretty much stays between the mid 20s and low 30s during the daily cycle.

What is the coolest month to visit Singapore?

Although Singapore is a year-round destination, the best time to visit Singapore is from December to June. The months of February to April fall within Singapore’s dry season and is typically when the country has the least amount of rain, the lowest humidity, and the most sunshine.

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What months are winter in Singapore?

It rains from November to February in Singapore – almost without stopping, there are real downpours here at this season. And from May to July a drought comes. It’s cold in November, December and January.

Is Singapore hotter than India?

To begin with, India is approximately 4,600 times bigger than Singapore. As such, overall it has a much-more diverse climate than that of the Lion City. … But overall, Singapore appears to be hotter throughout the entire year than India is.

Do and don’ts in Singapore?

Do’s and don’ts while in Singapore

  • DO be respectful and conservative. Try to be as conservative as you can to respect the locals. …
  • DON’T smoke in public. In most public places in Singapore, smoking is illegal. …
  • DO use public transportation. …
  • DON’T chew gum. …
  • DO address people with their titles. …
  • DON’T jaywalk. …
  • DO carry cash. …
  • DON’T litter.

Why is Singapore so cold?

It is due to the Monsoon surge. Singapore is in the gripes of the North East Monsoon season. … This year, the wind speed is higher than normal and this allowed the cold air reach Singapore faster before it is fully warmed up. Hence we have this wonderful period of relatively cooler temperature.

Why Singapore has no snow?

No. Due to its climate and its location located 1°N from the equator (137KM) Singapore does not have winter. As the sun’s rays hits the Earth’s equator at its strongest, any snow that appears would melt instantly due to the strong rays from the sun. … No, Singapore does not have a winter.

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Why is Singapore so Rainy?

In Singapore, low-level wind generally blows from south or southeast during June to September. The combination of moisture-laden wind from warmer ocean and monsoon rainband near the equator causes moderate to heavy rainfall during late morning and afternoon.

Is it always cloudy in Singapore?

It is not always cloudy in Singapore everyday. … It is usually drier with less clouds by mid February and March before the onset of the intermonsoon weather in April sees the return of more diurnal weather.

Which month has the best weather?

April, if only for the slightly-better-than-March weather and the longer days, ranks above February and March. But the latter two, the true grind-it-out days of winter, are terrible months.

September is the best month

  • September.
  • October.
  • November.
  • December.
  • May.
  • June.
  • January.
  • July.

29 авг. 2016 г.

Is it sunny in Singapore?

The amount of sunshine is not very good, since there is an average of 5 or 6 hours of sunshine per day for most of the year. The least sunny months are November and December, with 4 hours of sunshine per day, while February is the sunniest, with 6,5 hours.

Can I wear shorts in Singapore?

Singapore is hot and humid so pack clothes that are light and comfortable. Shorts, T-shirts and flip-flops are acceptable almost everywhere, though higher-end restaurants and bars call for more stylish attire; consider bringing at least one evening dress or long-sleeved shirt and trousers, and dress shoes.

Does Singapore have snow?

Odd weather occurrences aren’t unheard of in Singapore. There has been no reports to date regarding snow in Singapore, however. … Thus, we rate the claim that it snowed in Bishan as likely false.

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What is the current season in Singapore?

As a country near the Equator, Singapore does not have four seasons and in popular culture is known to have two – Wet and Dry. The Dry ‘season’ usually last from March to August, while the Wet ‘season’ lasts from September to February. However, there is not fixed weather in Singapore.

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