What is the biggest walleye ever caught?

The largest walleye ever taken weighed 25 pounds and was caught in 1960 on Old Hickory Lake in Tennessee, according to the International Game Fish Association.

What is the world record for biggest walleye?

So let the record be known in the walleye world that the world record walleye of 25 pounds which measured 41 inches in length was caught by Mabry Harper in the great state of Tennessee in 1960 was a most well documented claim and there has never been any evidence to prove the contrary.

How old is a 28 inch walleye?

In just about every walleye lake, males peak out at 12-15 years old and reach 24-26 inches in length.

Average Walleye Length vs. Age.

Length (inches) Typical Female Age (Yrs) Typical Male Age (Yrs)
25 8 12-20
26 9
27 10-11
28 12-13

How old is a 15 inch walleye?

Female walleye grow faster than male walleye, after they are three years old. Female walleye start to mature when they are 4 years old, 15 inches long, but all of them are not sexually mature until they are 7 years old, 20 inches long.

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What is the biggest walleye ever caught in Lake Erie?

The record walleye in Ohio was taken from Lake Erie in 1999. It weighed 16.19 lbs., and measured 33″ long.

What state eats the most walleye?

The walleye is the official state fish of Minnesota as well as the state’s most popular sport fish. More people go fishing on the opening day of walleye season than any other day of the year.

How old is a 50 inch muskie?

On average, musky are about 11 inches long after their first year of life, reach 34” in year 7, reach 40” in year 9, and reach 50 inches by age 17. Typically, females grow faster than males.

What is the best size walleye to eat?

The best eating size fish: walleye 15 – 18 inches, perch 9 – 12 inches and northern pike 22 – 28 inches. We encourage our guests to enjoy eating while they are here when the fish are at their very best freshness and taste. Shore lunches where fish and food are cooked over an open fire are especially delicious.

How old is a 40 inch pike?

Fish Age-Size and Male/Female Ratio Chart

Fish Age Length Weight
19 39″-99cm 18lb
20 40″-101cm 21lb
21 41.5″-105cm 23lb
22 43″-109cm 25lb

What is considered a trophy walleye?

I believe a walleye that’s 28–29 inches long is a true walleye trophy. My lifetime biggest walleye weighed 12-1/4-pounds. The biggest walleye that one of my clients ever has caught weighed 11 pounds.

How old is a 17 inch walleye?


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Walleye Weights Walleye Age
15″ fish is 1.2 lbs. 2 Year old is 14 inches
16″ fish is 1.5 lbs. 3 Year old is 17 inches
17″ fish is 1.8 lbs. 4 Year old is 19 inches
18″ fish is 2.2 lbs. 5 Year old is 21 inches

How deep will walleye go?

The deepest water from which I’ve caught walleyes is about 55 feet, but I’ve heard reports of anglers finding late-fall walleyes at 70 feet. Typical late-fall walleye structure has a rocky bottom and is adjacent to deep water. The best structure is often in the deepest part of the lake.

How long can a walleye live?

Length and weight

In general, females grow larger than males. Walleyes may live for decades; the maximum recorded age is 29 years.

What state has the best walleye fishing?

When it comes to lakes, Minnesota is the best walleye state. When you’re talking about river and flowage fisheries, Wisconsin is number one, hands down. ‘ The state record walleye in Wisconsin is a whopping 18 pounds, which is good.

What states can you catch walleye?

Within the United States, walleye are found southward into Alabama and Arkansas and in the Mississippi River basin. Walleye have been widely introduced outside of their native range within the U.S., including the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean drainages and in the Gulf of Mexico.

What is the biggest fish ever caught in Lake Erie?

Lake sturgeon in the Great Lakes can reach lengths of 10-plus feet and approach 300 pounds. The largest fish taken from Lake Erie was caught by in 1929 and weighed 216 pounds. Young sturgeon like the ones just released are protected from predators by sharp, bony plates called scutes.

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