What is the biggest negative number?

−0.0000…1, but this number, as defined by Cantor, is 0.

What is largest negative number?

The greatest negative integer is -1.

Is 0 larger than a negative number?

Zero is neither positive or negative. It’s bigger than any negative number, but smaller than every positive number.

Is a negative 1 or 1 bigger?

They’re both positive numbers, but one is bigger than the other. Negative numbers are smaller than zero. … Zero separates the positive numbers from the negative ones. In a line with zero in the middle, negative numbers line up on the left, and positive numbers line up on the right: –4, –3, –2, –1, 0 1, 2, 3, 4.

Is the largest negative integer is 1000?

the largest negative integer is- 1 000. 3. All numbers greater than zero are positive integers. … every negative integer is smaller than zero.

What is the smallest negative number?

The smallest negative number is a 1 followed by 31 zeros which is interpreted as −231. Because twos’ complement is essentially arithmetic modulo 232, it would be equally logical to interpret it as 231. The negative value is chosen so that the negative integers are precisely those with a 1 as the most significant bit.

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What is the lowest negative number?

There are an infinite number of negative integers as they approach negative infinity. So there is no smallest negative integer. the set of negative integers is { -1, -2, -3, …}. The greatest negative integer is -1.

Is 0 positive or negative integer?

Because zero is neither positive nor negative, the term nonnegative is sometimes used to refer to a number that is either positive or zero, while nonpositive is used to refer to a number that is either negative or zero. Zero is a neutral number.

What is the opposite of 0?

That’s because the opposites of the number is the negative number of that number. but 0 is neither positive nor negative. so the opposite of 0 is 0.

Is zero less than or equal to zero?

4 Answers. No zero is not less then zero, i <= 0 becomes 1 because zero is less than or equal to zero. The <= (“less than or equal”) operator returns true if the left hand side is less than or equal to the right hand side.

How do you read a negative number?

A negative number is always less than zero. A negative number is written by putting a minus sign, “−”, in front of a positive number. For example, 3 is a positive number, but −3 is a negative number. It is read “negative three” or “minus three”; it means the opposite of 3.

What are the rules for negative and positive numbers?

The Rules:

Rule Example
+(+) Two like signs become a positive sign 3+(+2) = 3 + 2 = 5
−(−) 6−(−3) = 6 + 3 = 9
+(−) Two unlike signs become a negative sign 7+(−2) = 7 − 2 = 5
−(+) 8−(+2) = 8 − 2 = 6
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How do you compare negative numbers?

How are negative numbers compared?

  1. Numbers to the right are greater than numbers to the left and numbers to the left are less than numbers to the right.
  2. To describe one number as greater than another, we use the symbol “>”.

What is the smallest number?

0 is the smallest whole number.

What is the smallest number that you know?

Answer: 1.) 0. it is the smallest number in the whole numbers.

What is the smallest integer?

The smallest integer is zero.

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