What is the 3 largest religion?

Religion Adherents Percentage
Christianity 2.382 billion 31.11%
Islam 1.907 billion 24.9%
Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.193 billion 15.58%
Hinduism 1.161 billion 15.16%

What are the top 3 major religions of the United States?

According to the census, religion in the United States is comprised of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and the unaffiliated, including atheists or agnostics. The largest religion in the United States is Christianity, practiced by the majority of the population.

What is the No 1 religion?

The Top Ten: Organized Religions of the World

Rank Religion Members
1. Christianity 2.3 billion
2. Islam 1.8 billion
3. Unaffiliated 1.2 billion
4. Hinduism 1.1 billion

What is the 3rd oldest religion?

Hinduism (/ˈhin-duːizəm/) is an Indian religion and dharma, or way of life. It is the world’s third-largest religion, with over 1.25 billion followers, or 15–16% of the global population, known as Hindus.

What are the 3 religions?

The three religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam readily fit the definition of monotheism, which is to worship one god while denying the existence of other gods. But, the relationship of the three religions is closer than that: They claim to worship the same god.

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What is the major religion in America?

Christianity is by far the largest religion in the United States; more than three-quarters of Americans identify as Christians. A little more than half of us identify as Protestants, about 23 percent as Catholic and about 2 percent as Mormon.

What is the dominant religion in USA?

The United States remains a predominantly Christian nation, with 78% of all adults identifying with a Christian faith, and more than 9 in 10 of those who have a religious identity identifying as Christians.

Who is real God?

In Christianity, the doctrine of the Trinity describes God as one God in three divine Persons (each of the three Persons is God himself). The Most Holy Trinity comprises God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit.

Which country is most religious?


Rank Country Yes, important
1 Estonia 16%
2 Sweden 17%
3 Denmark 19%
4 Czech Republic 21%

Is Islam or Christianity older?

The major Abrahamic religions in chronological order of founding are Judaism (the source of the other two religions) in the 6th century BCE, Christianity in the 1st century CE, and Islam in the 7th century CE.

Which religion is best in the world?

Adherents in 2020

Religion Adherents Percentage
Christianity 2.382 billion 31.11%
Islam 1.907 billion 24.9%
Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist 1.193 billion 15.58%
Hinduism 1.161 billion 15.16%

What is the oldest country?

San Marino

Which religion is true in world?

The world’s primary religions fall into two categories: Abrahamic religions, such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam; and Indian religions, which include Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and others. Of the world’s major religions, Christianity is the largest, with more than two billion followers.

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What is common in all religions?

We must stress the basic values that are common to all religions: compassion; solidarity; respect for the human person; the Golden Rule of “do as you would be done by”.

What religions are similar to Christianity?

Islam is a monotheistic religion that — like Christianity and Judaism — traces its roots to the Garden of Eden, Adam, and the prophet Abraham. Islam teaches that Allah is the only God and that Muhammed is his messenger.

Which is the oldest religion in the world Hinduism or Islam?

Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion, according to many scholars, with roots and customs dating back more than 4,000 years. Today, with about 900 million followers, Hinduism is the third-largest religion behind Christianity and Islam.

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