What are the greatest discoveries of the last decade?

What is the most significant discovery in the last 10 years?

In the last decade, scientists around the world pulled off impressive feats: They imaged a supermassive black hole for the first time, discovered new human ancestors, created groundbreaking new medical treatments, and launched probes to distant asteroids, comets, and moons.

What is the most recent discovery?

New Scientific Discoveries Made in 2020

  • Plastic-eating bacteria.
  • ‘Unlivable’ heat by 2070.
  • Cloud seeding to produce snow.
  • Neowise comet.
  • 3D map of universe.
  • World’s oldest known animal.
  • ‘Zeptosecond’ measured for first time.
  • __________________________________________________

3 янв. 2021 г.

What is the most profound discovery of our time?

What Are The Greatest Scientific Discoveries Of All Time?

  1. Genome editing. …
  2. CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) …
  3. RNA-sequencing. …
  4. Penicillin. …
  5. The molecular structure of DNA. …
  6. Electricity. …
  7. Levodopa. …
  8. Painkillers and anaesthetic.
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What is the most amazing discovery in the world?

25 Amazing Archaeological Discoveries

  1. Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania. Source. …
  2. Roman Bath, England. Source. …
  3. An ancient city, Honduras. Source. …
  4. The Nazca Lines, Peru. Source. …
  5. A subterranean city, Turkey. Source. …
  6. The world’s wealthiest sunken treasure boat, Colombia. Source. …
  7. Baghdad Battery. Source. …
  8. The Dead Sea Scrolls. Source.

What is the most important discovery in the last 100 years?

Question of the week: What is the most important scientific discovery of the past 100 years? The discovery of penicillin. In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming observed that some bacteria were destroyed by the mould Penicillium notatum.

Who is the best scientist in the world alive?

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Name Field of Influence
1. Alain Aspect Quantum Theory
2. David Baltimore Virology—HIV & Cancer
3. Allen Bard Electrochemistry
4. Timothy Berners- Lee Computer Science (WWW)

What was discovered in 2020?

Scientists and researchers around the world pulled off impressive feats in 2020. They unearthed huge caches of ancient bones and sarcophagi, discovered new types of black holes, and found water that could host alien life in new places across the solar system.

Who was first scientist in the world?

Aristotle is considered by many to be the first scientist, although the term postdates him by more than two millennia. In Greece in the fourth century BC, he pioneered the techniques of logic, observation, inquiry and demonstration.

What is the most important discovery in science?

Oxygen has often been called the most important discovery of science.

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Which biological development has benefitted humanity the most?

Below are 15 scientific breakthroughs that have helped scientists see even more deeply into life, the universe and everything.

  • Inheritance/Evolution (1800s)
  • Antibiotics (1928)
  • Gel Electrophoresis (1931)
  • HeLa Cell Discovery (1951)
  • The Structure of DNA (1952-1953)
  • DNA Polymerase (1956)
  • Reverse transcriptase (1970)

What is the scientific discovery?

Scientific discovery is the process or product of successful scientific inquiry. Objects of discovery can be things, events, processes, causes, and properties as well as theories and hypotheses and their features (their explanatory power, for example).

Which country has the most scientific discoveries?

Country Documents
1 United States 12839607
2 China 6589695
3 United Kingdom 3715590
4 Germany 3222549

Who is the most famous archaeologist in the world?

10 of History’s Greatest Archaeologists

  • Flavio Biondo. While the history of Ancient Rome is well-studied and documented by now, that wasn’t the case back in the 15th century. …
  • Thomas Jefferson. …
  • Mortimer Wheeler. …
  • Kathleen Kenyon. …
  • Dorothy Garrod. …
  • Arthur Evans. …
  • Robert John Braidwood. …
  • Howard Carter.

17 дек. 2020 г.

Who Found electricity?


What is the most important artifact ever found?

In 1799, a group of French soldiers rebuilding a military fort in the port city of el-Rashid (or Rosetta), Egypt, accidentally uncovered what was to become one of the most famous artifacts in the world — the Rosetta Stone.

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