What are the deepest trenches in the ocean?

What are the 3 deepest ocean trenches?

Deepest oceanic trenches

Trench Ocean Maximum Depth
Mariana Trench Pacific Ocean 10,984 m (36,037 ft)
Tonga Trench Pacific Ocean 10,882 m (35,702 ft)
Philippine Trench Pacific Ocean 10,545 m (34,596 ft)
Kuril–Kamchatka Trench Pacific Ocean 10,542 m (34,587 ft)

What is the deepest trench known in the ocean?

Then explain to students that the Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the ocean and the deepest location on Earth. It is 11,034 meters (36,201 feet) deep, which is almost 7 miles.

What are the 5 deeps?

The Five Deeps Expedition was the first to reach the deepest point in each of the Earth’s five oceans: the Puerto Rico Trench in the Atlantic, South Sandwich Trench in the Southern Ocean, Java Trench in the Indian Ocean, Challenger Deep in the Pacific and Molloy Deep in the Arctic.

How deep has a human gone in the ocean?

It’s been a record-breaking expedition in more ways than one. Vescovo’s trip to the Challenger Deep, at the southern end of the Pacific Ocean’s Mariana Trench, back in May, was said to be the deepest manned sea dive ever recorded, at 10,927 meters (35,853 feet).

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Where are deep sea trenches found?

Deep-sea trenches generally lie seaward of and parallel to adjacent island arcs or mountain ranges of the continental margins. They are closely associated with and found in subduction zones—that is, locations where a lithospheric plate bearing oceanic crust slides down into the upper mantle under the force of gravity.

What is the biggest trench in the world?

In the Pacific Ocean, somewhere between Guam and the Philippines, lies the Marianas Trench, also known as the Mariana Trench. At 35,814 feet below sea level, its bottom is called the Challenger Deep — the deepest point known on Earth.

Why is Mariana trench so deep?

Why is the ocean so deep here? The Mariana Trench is located at a convergent plate boundary. Here two converging plates of oceanic lithosphere collide with one another. At this collision point, one of the plates descends into the mantle.

What would happen if you were teleported to the bottom of the ocean?

So nothing would happen if you were teleported to the bottom of the Mariana Trench for one nanosecond, although you may come back wet. … Light, which travels at just over 186,000 miles per second in a vacuum, only travels about one foot in a nanosecond.

Who reached Mariana Trench?

The first two people to reach the Challenger Deep, located in the south end of the Mariana Trench about 190 miles southwest of Guam, were Don Walsh and Jacques Picard in 1960.

What is the third deepest ocean?

Philippine Trench

The third deepest point in the world, the Galathea Depth in the Philippine trench is 10.54 km below sea level. Also known as Mindanao Trench, this submarine trench is located in the Philippine Sea, spreads in a length of 1,320km and 30km width in the east of Philippines.

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What is the second deepest sea in the world?

The world’s deepest oceans and seas

Ocean / Sea Max depth (ft)
1. Pacific Ocean 35820
2. Indian Ocean 24460
3. Atlantic Ocean 30246
4. Caribbean Sea 22788

How deep is the Molloy Deep?

It is the location of the deepest point in the Arctic Ocean. The outer rim of the trench is at a depth of 2,700 m (8,900 ft) and contains about 600 km2 inside the rim, descending to approximately 5,550 m (18,210 ft) at its greatest depth.

At what depth will water crush you?

At about 10–12 meters (33–40 feet) of depth, pressure of water column above you (1 extra atmosphere of pressure per 10 meters) will compress air spaces in your body by half, with lungs compressing the most by the absolute volume.

How deep can a human dive before being crushed?

Human bone crushes at about 11159 kg per square inch. This means we’d have to dive to about 35.5 km depth before bone crushes. This is three times as deep as the deepest point in our ocean.

Why can’t we go to the bottom of the ocean?

“The intense pressures in the deep ocean make it an extremely difficult environment to explore.” Although you don’t notice it, the pressure of the air pushing down on your body at sea level is about 15 pounds per square inch. If you went up into space, above the Earth’s atmosphere, the pressure would decrease to zero.

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