Quick Answer: Which is the largest cave temple in India?

The Kailasa temple (Cave 16) is the largest of the 34 Buddhist, Jain and Hindu cave temples and monasteries known collectively as the Ellora Caves, ranging for over 2 kilometres (1.5 miles) along the sloping basalt cliff at the site.

Who is the largest temple in India?

The Srirangam Temple is often listed as the largest functioning Hindu temple in the world. The temple, located in Tamil Nadu, occupies an area of 156 acres (631,000 m²) with a perimeter of 4,116m (10,710 feet), making it the largest temple in India and one of the largest religious complexes in the world.

Which is the biggest cave of Ajanta?

While vivid colours and mural wall-painting were abundant in Indian history as evidenced by historical records, Caves 16, 17, 1 and 2 of Ajanta form the largest corpus of surviving ancient Indian wall-painting.

Ajanta Caves.

UNESCO World Heritage Site
Coordinates 20°33′12″N 75°42′01″ECoordinates: 20°33′12″N 75°42′01″E

Who built Ellora?

It was built during 757-783 AD by Krishna I who was the uncle of Dantidurga. Built during the 6th to 8th century in the Kalachuris period, the Hindu Caves were built in two phases. Caves 14, 15 , 16 were built in the Rashtrakuta period.

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Who destroyed Ellora caves?

There is an interesting tale about the Kailasa Temple of Ellora. Mughal King Aurangzeb who destroyed thousands of Hindu temple, also tried to destroy Kailasa temple. It is said that 1000 people were sent to destroy the temple in the year 1682.

Which is oldest temple in world?

Known as Göbekli Tepe, the site was previously dismissed by anthropologists, who believed it to be a medieval grave. In 2008, however, the German archaeologist Klaus Schmidt determined that Göbekli Tepe is, in fact, the oldest known temple in the world.

How many Hindu temples are there in India in 2020?

India has more than 2 million Hindu temples recorded during the 2001 census, whose number has substantially increased by now. India has many places where people worship the Divine.

Who made Elephanta caves?

The Elephanta island is located 10 km away from the Gateway of India at Mumbai in Maharashtra. The cave temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, was excavated sometime in the 8th century by the Rashtrakuta kings, who ruled the area between A.D. 757-973.

What was the first cave discovered?

Marcelino de Sautuola

geologist and archaeologist who excavated Altamira Cave (named a World Heritage Site by the United Nations……

Which is older Ajanta or Ellora?

About Ajanta Caves

Much older than the Ellora Caves, the chain of 30 rock-cut Buddhist cave monuments that form the Ajanta Cave network came up between 2nd century BC to the 6th century AD. Brilliant in their detailing, the Ajanta Caves are among the greatest surviving examples of ancient Indian cave art.

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What is Ellora famous for?

Ellora (also known as Elura and, in ancient times, as Elapura) is a sacred site in Maharastra, central India. The Ellora Caves are listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and is celebrated for its Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain temples and monuments which were carved from the local cliff rock in the 6th to 8th century CE.

How old is Ellora caves?

Ellora Caves, northwest-central Maharashtra state, India. The 12 Buddhist caves (in the south) date from about 200 bce to 600 ce, the 17 Hindu temples (in the centre) date from about 500 to 900 ce, and the 5 Jain temples (in the north) date from about 800 to 1000.

Which is better Ajanta or Ellora caves?

Ajanta is painting and ellora is sculpture. … Ajanta is painting and ellora is sculpture. i prefer schulpture to painting.. also ellora is more ‘accessible’ its less than an hour from aurangabad.. around ellora you also have other sights relatively close by such as daulatabad and the shiva jyotirling temple..

Which rulers built the Ellora temples?

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The Kailasa temple (Cave 16) is one of the 34 cave temples and monasteries known collectively as the Ellora Caves. Its construction is generally attributed to the eighth century Rashtrakuta king Krishna I.

Where is Elephanta Caves in India?

The Elephanta Caves are located in Western India on Elephanta Island (otherwise known as the Island of Gharapuri), which features two hillocks separated by a narrow valley. The small island is dotted with numerous ancient archaeological remains that are the sole testimonies to its rich cultural past.

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Who take care of Ellora caves?

Answer: Government of India, Archaeological survey of India, UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) etc.

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