Quick Answer: What is the smallest 4 digit number with all four different digits?

Solution : The condition for a 4 digit number of four different digits is that 5 is always at its tens place. The greatest 4 digit number will be 9857 and the smallest 4 digit number will be 1052. Want to top your mathematics exam ?

What is the smallest 4 digit number with distinct digits?

The smallest 4-digit number having four distinct digits is 1023.

What is the smallest 4 digit number?

  • There are 4 numbers (any number from 0-9) in a 4-digit number.
  • The Thousands place in a 4-digit number cannot be 0.
  • The smallest 4 digit number is 1000 and the greatest 4 digit number is 9999.
  • There are 9000 four digit numbers in all.

What is the smallest 4 digit number having three different digits?

The smallest 4-digit number having three different digits is A 110.

Which is the smallest 4 digit number using different digits with 9 in tens place?

Hence, the smallest four digit number is 1027.

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Which is the smallest whole number?

The smallest whole number is “0” (ZERO).

Which is the largest 4 digit number?

the greatest four-digit number is 9999.

What is the smallest 4 digit number with no digits repeated?

Smallest 4 digit number in which no digit is repeated is => 1023.

How many 4 digit numbers can be formed using 4 digits?

There are 6 digits in total and we have to form a 4 digit number, hence that can be done in 6p4 ways. The total number of 4 digit numbers possible without repetition are 6!/2!= 360.

What is the largest 5 digit number having three different digits?

The number formed is 99987, as we can see this is the largest five-digit number which contains three different digits which are 9, 8, and 7.

Which is the greatest number?

The greatest number formed is 95410. Ascending order 0 5 5 9. A number cannot begin with 0, so we will put it in the second place. The smallest digit (other than 0) is 1.

How many four digit number can be formed in which all the digits are different?

So, the unit place can be filled by 7 ways. So, the required number of ways in which four digit numbers can be formed from the given digits is 9×9×8×7=4536.

Which is the smallest 5 digit number?

So the smallest five-digit number. First of all is 10,000.

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