Quick Answer: What is the most dangerous explosive?

CAS Reg. No. 1306278-47-6
Melting point 78 ºC
Water solubility Dec. to HN3

What is the most powerful explosive?

HNIW is considered one of the most powerful explosive, possessing higher oxygen balance, density and energy.

Is C4 stronger than TNT?

C4 is a composition of an explosive known as RDX, also called cyclonite, and some other binding ingredients. … C4 is more powerful than TNT and is quite stable. Supposedly, a bullet can be shot into a stick of C4 without causing it to detonate. To explode a stick of C4 requires a detonator.

What is more explosive than TNT?

PETN. One of the most powerful explosive chemicals known to us is PETN, which contains nitro groups which are similar to that in TNT and the nitroglycerin in dynamite. But the presence of more of these nitro groups means it explodes with more power.

Is Tannerite or dynamite more powerful?

He noted that one package of Tannerite creates an explosion equal to that from a little less than one stick of dynamite. … The explosion propelled pieces of metal from the old dryer between 100 and 120 yards and cut trees in half, he said.

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What is the fastest explosive?

Octanitrocubane has a detonation velocity of 10,100 m/s, making it the fastest known explosive. Small amounts have been synthesized in the laboratory, but not enough for performance testing as an explosive.

What’s the biggest explosion ever?

The explosive force of the device — nicknamed Tsar Bomba, or the Tsar’s bomb, and set off on Oct. 30, 1961 — was 50 megatons, or the equivalent of 50 million tons of conventional explosive.

What does TNT stand for?


What is C4 made of?

Composition C4 is a plastic explosive used in military operations. … C4 is composed of RDX (91%), dioctyl sebacate (5.3%), polyisobutylene (2.1%), and mineral/motor oil (1.6%) [1].

Why is nitroglycerin so dangerous?

In its pure form, nitroglycerin is a contact explosive, with physical shock causing it to explode, and it degrades over time to even more unstable forms. This makes nitroglycerin highly dangerous to transport or use. … A serious problem in the use of nitroglycerin results from its high freezing point of 13 °C (55 °F).

What is Satan’s mother’s substance?

Nitrogen-free TATP has been used as the explosive of choice in several terrorist bomb attacks since 2001.

Acetone peroxide.

Other names Triacetone triperoxide Peroxyacetone Mother of Satan
CAS Number 17088-37-8

Why is dynamite called TNT?

It’s the small explosion of the blasting cap that is required to cause the nitroglycerin to explode. You may see some explosives labeled “TNT” that look like dynamite. TNT stands for trinitrotoluene, which is also an explosive but quite different from dynamite.

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What chemicals are explosive when mixed?

Pages in category “Explosive chemicals”

  • Acetone peroxide.
  • Acetyl nitrate.
  • Acetylene.
  • Ammonium azide.
  • Ammonium chlorate.
  • Ammonium dichromate.
  • Ammonium dinitramide.
  • Ammonium nitrate.

Will Tannerite ignite gas?

The blast was heard from miles away, according to deputies. … Investigators determined that four people used tannerite – a legal explosive compound commonly used for rifle targets – to ignite a mixture of gasoline and diesel fuel. When used as intended, tannerite does not ignite fires.

Is it illegal to own dynamite?

Federal and state laws establish penalties for violating these provisions. Under state law, it is illegal for anyone to possess an explosive without a bill of sale or some other proof of its legal transfer. Violators may be fined up to $10,000, imprisoned up to 10 years, or both (CGS § 29-348).

How much does a pound of dynamite cost?


Product Price
Plastic Explosive (C4) $17/lb
Dynamite $10/lb
Semtex Grenades $50/lb
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