How tall is the tallest Indian?

Country Metric Name
Canada 251 cm Édouard Beaupré
Turkey 251 cm Sultan Kösen
Bangladesh 249 cm Jinnat Ali
India 249 cm Vikas Uppal

What height is tall in India?

India — 158.76cm (5 feet 2.50 inches)

Indians are 158.76cm (5 feet 2.50 inches) tall on average. An average Indian man is 164.94cm (5 feet 4.93 inches) tall. The average Indian women is 152.58cm (5 feet 0.07 inches) tall.

Is 6ft tall in India?

6 feet in India definitely is a noticeable height! … As per a 2011 survey average Indian female is about 5 ft and male is about 5.5 ft. So, 6 feet must be really tall.

What is the tallest nationality?

1. The Netherlands — 175.62cm (5 feet 7.96 inches) Dutch people are the world’s tallest, with an average height of 175.62cm (5 feet 7.96 inches.) Dutch men are an average 182.53cm (5 feet 11.86 inches) tall.

Who is the tallest girl in India?

Shweatlana Singh is a basketball player and reportedly is the tallest woman in Meerut, India at 6 ft 8 in (203 cm) in 2007. She gave birth to Karan Singh, who according to Guinness World Records was the world’s heaviest toddler, and was claimed to be 4 ft 5 in (135 cm) tall at the age of 2.5 years old.

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Is being 5’7 tall for a girl?

Yes, she would definitely be considered tall. The average height for a woman in the US is 5′ 3″ 1/2. The standard deviation is about 2.7 inches. So a woman who is 5′ 7″ is more than one standard deviation above the mean, so she is taller than at least ~85% of the woman in the US.

Is 5’11 a good height for a guy?

5′11″ is extremely tall for a man. You would tower over the average 5′7″ American and Canadian male. Many Canadian males are actually 5′6″ so basically 5′6″ to 5′7″ is average for adult men in Canada. You would tower over the average male by a whopping 4 to 5 inches in height.

Is being 6ft tall?

So, any male who is 6 foot 3 inches or taller in the United States is considered very tall and would be taller than 95/100 males. … The average height for american men varies between 5′9″ and 5′10″. In fact only 14.5% of US men are 6′ tall or above. Hope this answers your question.

Is 6 feet 2 a good height?

6′2 would be very tall and 6′3 even taller. 6′ itself is tall for a man, as only 14% of men in the USA are 6 feet or over. The ideal height for a man in the US is 5′9.5–5′10, which are also good heights, even though some people are taller than you.

Is 5 ft 10 a good height?

5’10” is already a nice height. Be kind to your growth plates. There are some weight lifting exercises you want to beware of. … I wouldn’t worry about your height, I’d worry about your all around health.

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Is 6ft 2 tall for a man?

6′2″ is legitimately tall for men. The ideal height range for men though is 6′0″ to 6′3″. Anything under 6′0″ is far too short to be respected. So yes, six feet to six-foot-three is the ideal male height range, with six-foot-one being perfect.

Is 172 cm a good height?

Yes it is. Average height of male in India is 166.3 cm (i.e. 5 ft 5.5 inches) while for female it is 152.6 cm (i.e. 5 ft) approximately. So, as far as your question is concerned, aforesaid height is above average in both cases.

Is 5 feet 8 inches short for a guy?

5′8″ is far from short, matter of fact it is tall for a male, especially in Canada and the USA where the average male is well under 5′7″. Come to Canada and you will see that most men are 5′6″ and under and very rare will you see a man 5′8″ and above, so don’t worry, you’re on the tall side.

How tall is Karan 2020?

Karan is now the world’s tallest 8-year-old at 6ft 6in.

Which height is best for girl in India?

Opinion on ideal height for women India 2019. According to a survey conducted by Ipsos in May 2019 regarding the most important attributes in a person to be considered beautiful, about 44 percent of the Indian respondents considered a height range between 5’1 and 5’4 to be ideal amongst women.

What is the good height for a girl?

Men tend to want a woman no taller than 6 feet, while women want a man no shorter than 5 feet 4 inches. New YouGov research into the subject of height finds that men and women both tend to think it’s ideal to be slightly above average – but people are fairly open-minded.

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