Best answer: Who has the shortest alphabet?

Language with the shortest alphabet: Rotokas (12 letters). Approx. 4300 people speak this East Papuan language. They live primarily in the Bougainville Province of Papua New Guinea.

Who has the fewest letters in the alphabet?

Which Language’s Alphabet Has The Least Number Of Letters? Rotokas is a language spoken by few people and constructed of fewer letters. Estimated to be spoken by less than 4,000 people on the island of Bougainville, Papa New Guinea, the language has a Latin-based alphabet of only 12 letters which represent 11 phonemes.

What language has least letters?

Phonology. The Central dialect of Rotokas possesses one of the world’s smallest phoneme inventories. (Only the Pirahã language has been claimed to have fewer.) The alphabet consists of twelve letters, representing eleven phonemes.

Why are there only 12 letters in the Hawaiian alphabet?

Why does the Hawaiian alphabet only have 12 letters? Hawaiian alphabet has 13 letters. Okina ( ‘ ), which is the glottal stop, counts as a letter. The reason is that the Hawaiian language has only 13 phonemes (not counting allophones).

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Which is the smallest letter?

Researchers Hari Manoharan and Christopher Moon along with students at Stanford’s Physics Department and Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials were able to encode 35 bits of information per electron and write letters so small, they are composed of subatomic bits of size 0.3 nanometers, or roughly one third of a …

What language has only 14 letters?

language with only 14 letters
Language with only 14 letters
Lead, perhaps, from last 14 letters? (5)

What language has the largest alphabet?

The language with the most letters is Khmer (Cambodian), with 74 (including some without any current use).

What is the simplest language?

‘” That metaphorical process is at the heart of Toki Pona, the world’s smallest language. While the Oxford English Dictionary contains a quarter of a million entries, and even Koko the gorilla communicates with over 1,000 gestures in American Sign Language, the total vocabulary of Toki Pona is a mere 123 words.

What is the hardest language to learn?

The Hardest Languages In The World To Learn

  • Mandarin. Right at the top is the most spoken language in the world: Mandarin. …
  • Arabic. Number two, Arabic, challenges English speakers because most letters are written in 4 different forms depending on where they’re placed in a word. …
  • Japanese. …
  • Hungarian. …
  • Korean. …
  • Finnish. …
  • Basque. …
  • Navajo.

6 дек. 2016 г.

What is the 27th letter in the alphabet?

Alphabetical position (27)
Development ET et &
Time period c. 100 CE to present

What is 100 in Hawaiian?

Numbers in Hawaiian

See also  Quick Answer: Which country is most famous in the world?
Numeral Cardinal numbers
100 ho῾okahi haneli, hanele, haneri
200 ῾elua haneli
300 ῾ekolu haneli
400 ῾eha haneli, lau

What is the longest word in Hawaiian?

The fish with the honor of having the longest Hawaiian name is the lauwiliwilinukunukuʻoiʻoi. Freely translated this name means “long-snouted fish shaped like a wiliwili leaf”. The wiliwili tree, by the way, is endemic to Hawai’i. It’s name means “repeatedly twisted”, and you can see why.

What letter do Hawaiians not use?

Your Name in Hawaiian There are only 12 letters in the Hawaiian alphabet: A, E, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, U, and W. There are some pronunciation tips for consonants: Pronounce P and K as in English but with less aspiration. Pronounce H, L, M, and N as in English.

What is the longest word in the world?


Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary, this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary. It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis.

Which letter takes up the most space?

Thus, W takes up the most space.

What are small letters?

Filters. The form of an alphabetical letter used when a capital letter is not called for; lowercase letter (Ex.: a, b, c, etc. are small letters; A, B, C, etc. are capital letters)

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